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The Nawab's vanguard consisted of fifteen thousand men under his most trusty lieutenants, including Manik Chand and Mir Madan. Rai Durlabh, the captor of Cossimbazar, and two other officers commanded separate divisions.

I had to sit tight in office to get level with work that evening, and the mess bugle was dwelling maliciously on its top note when at last I put down my pen. Then the door opened and with a confederate mysterious air the orderly announced Bahadur Rai. "And the Sahib?" the Bahadur was asking in swift Nepalese after a wealth of salutations was over.

"My rye doesn't love me yet, but he will, when I get him away from the Gentile lady's spells. They draw him, brother, they draw him." "Where do they draw him to?" demanded Pine, his voice thick with passion. "To the Gorgious house of the baro rai, the brother of your romi. Like an owl does he go after dusk to watch the nest." "Owl," muttered Pine savagely. "Cuckoo, rather.

We learn from the Introduction to the drama that Visakhadatta was the son of Prithu and grandson of Vatesvaradatta a Samanta or subordinate chief Professor Wilson was inclined to think that Maharaja Prithu might be the Chouhan Prince Prithu Rai of Ajmir; but he himself pointed out that the Chouhan Prince was never called Maharaja; and that the name Nateswara Datta would present a serious difficulty in the way of identifying the poet's father with the Chouhan Prince Prithu Rai of Ajmir.

About this time it was rumoured that Nabendu's name would be included in the forthcoming list of Birthday honours, and that he would mount the first step of the ladder to Paradise by becoming a Rai Bahadur. The poor fellow had not the courage to break the joyful news to his sisters-in-law.

The Dai Nihon Shi soon became a classic, and had such an influence in restoring the power of the Emperor that Mr. Ernest Satow justly calls its composer "the real author of the movement which culminated in the revolution of 1868." A poet, an historian, and a zealous patriot, Rai Sanyo was the Arndt of Japan.

He kept his word, and was by no means content with the 'Rai'; for, after the young Duchess Agnes had summoned him to a 'Zauner', and during its continuance again talked with him far more confidentially than the modest Nuremberg maiden could approve, he persuaded Eva to try the 'Schwabeln' with him also; and though she had always disliked such dances she yielded, and her natural grace, as well as her quick ear for time, helped her to catch the unfamiliar steps without difficulty.

Looking down almost directly over the eastern bulge of the African coast, he sighted what was probably the ECM lathe he was after, and kicked towards it, simultaneously pulling his pistol-gripped Rate of Approach Indicator from the socket in his suit. The RAI gun, he sometimes felt, was the real reason he'd become a spaceman in these tame days.

So make no loud complaint, and make no quarrel with the 'man-eaters. When the time comes, it will come suddenly." "E rai rai! E rai rai!" That morning when he reported the death of Harry to Rawlings he watched Warner's coarse, bloated face. "It's a most mysterious affair. He was picked up on the reef quite dead. The poor fellow's back was broken the bone was crushed to a pulp," he said.

"That is his way of thanking you," said the girl. "You are so kind." "Mai pen rai. "Reunions are so nice you and me and you and my sister, her Thai toilet friend. She's been talking about you, you know, ever since she passed you coming and going from the toilet this handsome, middle aged man who is obsessed by his image." "Sister?" He was stunned. "Oh, yes my sister, not my girlfriend.