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Updated: August 12, 2024

With a preacher and a license and all the trimmin's. We'll certainly have one all-whoopin' weddin' when I come rackin' in, Petty! Kiss me good-by, like a nice sweetheart and just dream once in a while of Louisiana, won't you?" "I'll say your name in my prayers," she assured him, watching him doubtfully and hopefully as he wheeled his horse, striving to keep back the tears.

"By Chiminy, I am, Captain; der skin vos rubbed off me by der saddle," he answered, touching the afflicted part tenderly. "It vos der rackin' gait mit der horse vot did it. He is der vorst horse dot ever I ride." "Well, get as comfortable as you can, and I'll try to be more thoughtful in the future. Bungay, what has become of Maria?" The little man's eyes suddenly filled with tears.

And jest see the end on't why he had brought sufferin' of the deepest dye onto his companion, and what, what hed he brought onto himself onto his feet? Oh! the agony of them several moments while them thoughts was a rackin' at me.

Gents, you-all may onderstand my horror when I finds 'leven of my shawl-neck game chickens roostin' on that side-bar's reach! They're thar when we pulls out. They've retired from the world an' its cares for the night an', in our ignorance of them chicken's domestic arrangements, we blindly takes 'em with us. Now an' then, as we goes rackin' along, one of 'em gets jolted off.

"The main evidence against Louisiana lays with old Jim Banker, the prospector. He comes rackin' in about a week later and says he sees Louisiana headin' into Shoestring Cañon about the time Pete was shot. But the trailers didn't find his hoss tracks. There was tracks left by Pete's team and some burro sign, but there wasn't no recent hoss tracks outside o' that."

"I notisses it in de alley-ways an on de street-cornders. Dey er rackin' up, mon, deze yer cullud fokes is." "What are you trying to give us now?" inquired one of the young men, in a bilious tone. "The old man's mind is wandering," said the society editor, smoothing the wrinkles out of his lavender kids. Uncle Remus laughed.

He's wearin' a cap, and he's kind of whiskered up, like he'd been layin' out some time." "I'd know him," Macdonald nodded. "You couldn't miss him in a thousand, Mac. Well, I must be rackin' along." Banjo scarcely had passed out of sight when three horsemen came galloping to Macdonald's gate. They brought news of a fresh tragedy, and that in the immediate neighborhood.

"'Once my grandfather is safe in his saddle, as I relates, he's due- -him an' his hoss, this last bein' an onusual sagacious beast whic he calls his "Saturday hoss" to linger about the streets, an' collab'rate with the public for mebby five more drinks; followin' which last libations, he goes rackin' off for "The Hill."

We've done run him into a rough, wild stretch of country where settlements is few an' cabins roode. Of a sudden, the panther emerges onto the road an' goes rackin' along the trail. We pushes our spent steeds to the utmost. "'Thar's a log house ahead; out in the stump-filled lot in front is a frowsy woman an' five small children.

Then there's the kind of women that follows a rush the kind you wouldn't want to be seen with even and the men might allow you was the same kind if you come rackin' in among 'em." Solange listened thoughtfully and even smiled bleakly. "These men would kill, you say, for money?" "For money, marbles or chalk," said Sucatash. He was about to embellish this when she nodded with satisfaction.

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