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I suppose I could walk with the rest?" Embarrassed glances were exchanged by the Council and Grower nearly ate the end of his quill-pen off, so gnawed he it during the silence.

But the barrel of my rifle was bitten together as a schoolboy does a pen a quill-pen, I mean. They have horribly powerful jaws, those hyenas." "And what became of the man-eater?" asked Mark, with a disappointed look. "Stopped in the hole till it was safe to come out and go on with his delicate meals."

Could you lend me a hundred pounds? There's a good chap." Rupert and I looked at each other in an ironical silence. Basil, who was sitting by his desk, swung the chair round idly on its screw and picked up a quill-pen. "Shall I cross it?" he asked, opening a cheque-book.

Another observer, quoted by Hans Kraemer in his "Speeches of Prince Bismarck," sums up his impressions as follows: "Bismarck has before him a narrow strip of paper on which, in preparation, he has jotted down a few words with his inspired quill-pen. Occasionally he looks at his notes, while he is speaking, rocking himself very slowly to and fro, and twisting his thumbs.

At length he went over to the counter and took a sheet or two of the paper, which was kept there for the few who desired to write home, a quill-pen and ink; and picking up a small wooden box he seated himself upon it before a desk which had been built from a rude packing-case and began wearily and laboriously to write. "The lone star now rises!"

The writing itself was done by means of a reed, sharpened and split like a quill-pen, and dipped in ink made in various ways, but mostly less "biting" than our own. This made it comparatively easy to sponge out what was written, and to use the same roll over again as a "palimpsest" for some work more desired.

And just as he had imitated the Rogers vignettes in his boyhood, now in his youth he tried to emulate the fine abstract flow and searching expressiveness of the etched line, and the studied breadth of shade, by using the quill-pen with washes. At first he kept pretty closely to monochrome. His object was form, and his special talent was for draughtsmanship rather than for colour.

He tossed his quill-pen down, took off his spectacles, and said: "Well, Buller, what have you got to say for yourself?" Tom hung his head, fiddled with a button of his jacket, and murmured something to the effect that he did not know. "It is a very serious offence of yours that has been reported to me, nothing less than breaking out of the house, out of my house, in the dead of night.

"Yes, sir, very handsome," said Glyn. "It is meant to bear a jewelled sword." "Dear me!" cried the Doctor. "I hope that Mr Singh has no lethal weapon of that kind in his room." "Oh no, sir," said Singh hastily. "I am glad to hear it," said the Doctor, smiling; and he took up and raised his quill-pen, giving it a gentle nourish in the air.

He was in appearance thin, dark-favoured, buoyant in manner, and stern of face, with splendid eyes. Had he dwelt on Olympus, he might have been summoned to judge and chastise the sons of men. When Michael Clones came to the doorway, Dyck laid down his quill-pen and eyed the flushed servant in disapproval. "What is it, Michael? Wherefore this starkness? Is some one come from heaven?"