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Well, well, why should I trouble you with these things? I could wear out a good quill-pen just writing about what we did, Jim and I, at the depot in Glasgow; and how we came to know our officers and our comrades, and how they came to know us.

"Pray pardon me," she repeated. "What you tell me of acting by instinct greatly interests me as a student of character. In this little volume here I allow me." She emphasised with a quill-pen. "I. Instinct. Instinct is the Almighty's rudder with which He steers our frail barques upon the tempestuous sea of life at moments when otherwise we should be quite at a loss.

And you will find that our chairs are only wood, and you would not hurt our fine carpets, not if you danced on them with clogs!" "D'ye tell me, now?" said Boyd, much relieved. "Sure, and it's a told tale through the whole parish that you are livin' in the very lap of luxury with nothing in the world to do for it but just make scratch-scratches on paper with a quill-pen!"

It was, as they had expected, a chart. The drawing was crudely done in ink, applied it seemed with a stick, or possibly with a very badly fashioned quill-pen. There was very little writing upon it, and this of the raggedest sort. To their intense disappointment it bore no name to tell where in the seven seas it might be. That the chart was of some coast was certain.

He stood a moment twisting the quill-pen he had taken up, then he hastily found a sheet of paper and wrote: "Dear Miss Boyce, It is more than a year since I have heard of you, and I have been wondering with much interest lately whether you have really taken up a nursing life. You remember speaking to me of your friends the Cravens?