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In 1772 he went to England, where he d. of smallpox in the same year. Sculptor and poet, b. at Hadleigh, attained a high reputation as a sculptor. He belonged to the pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, and contributed poems to their magazine, the Germ. He wrote several vols. of poetry, including My Beautiful Lady , Pygmalion, Silenus, Tiresias, and Nelly Dale.

According to the usage of the times, she at once set about founding a city; and one hundred years before the founding of Rome its after rival and destroyer the work of building Carthage, or the New City, as Dido named it, began. The city being advantageously situated for commerce, and the rule of Dido more mild than that of Pygmalion, her brother, hundreds of the Tyrians flocked to her standard.

Whenever Pygmalion found fault, she had always the retort ready: 'At least I am exactly what you chose to make me. Poor Pygmalion!" "It was no more true than in the case of every man that marries; we all bow down to ideals, I suppose. Except," he added with a little hesitation, "myself, of course."

The very fulness of his admiration had made him wrathful with the intellectual dishonesty, for in her it could not be stupidity, that quenched his worship, and the first dawning sign of a reasonable soul drew him to her feet, where, like Pygmalion before his statue, he could have poured out his heart in thanks, that she consented to be a woman.

The woman is on the man's left. PYGMALION. Now if you will be so good as to oblige us with a little something. At the close they bow to one another. Thank you. Wonderful! Splendid. Perfect. THE NEWLY BORN. Can they make love? PYGMALION. Yes: they can respond to every stimulus. They have all the reflexes. Put your arm round the man's neck, and he will put his arm round your body. He cannot help it.

PYGMALION. Yours, too, of course, if the stimulus comes from you. ECRASIA. Cannot he do anything original? PYGMALION. No. But then, you know, I do not admit that any of us can do anything really original, though Martellus thinks we can. ACIS. Can he answer a question? PYGMALION. Oh yes. A question is a stimulus, you know. Ask him one. Of us, for instance, and our ways and doings?

Halfpenny explained that this came of Christian folk setting up heathen idols in their houses as 'twas a shame for decent folk to look at, let alone puir bairnies; while Jasper and Gillian gasped in convulsions of laughter, and bandied queries whether their aunt were the statue 'Pig-my-lion' had animated, as nothing could be less statuesque than she, whether the reverse had taken place, as Primrose observed, and she had been the Pygmalion to awaken the soul in the man of marble.

His art was so perfect that it concealed itself and its product looked like the workmanship of nature. Pygmalion admired his own work, and at last fell in love with the counterfeit creation. Oftentimes he laid his hand upon it as if to assure himself whether it were living or not, and could not even then believe that it was only ivory.

I had laid commands upon myself to see a sister only in Pauline. I dreaded lest I should betray her mother's faith in me. I admired the lovely girl as if she had been a picture, or as the portrait of a dead mistress; she was at once my child and my statue. For me, another Pygmalion, the maiden with the hues of life and the living voice was to become a form of inanimate marble.

Gilbert's beautiful mythological comedy of 'Pygmalion and Galatea; but protests are beginning to appear in some quarters, and we are much mistaken if this graceful and accomplished actress is not destined yet to win the favor of her censors.