United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We learned the songs of all motors, the peculiarities and uses of all types of French avions, pushers and tractors, single motor and bimotor, monoplace, biplace, and triplace, monoplane and biplane. And we mingled with the pilots of all these many kinds of aircraft.

There was a real element of danger in such help, the slipping animals and the back-sliding cart constantly threatening to fall upon the pushers.

"He'll get what's coming to him some day," snarled Quest, returning to his cab; and he bade the driver take him to the Amphitheatre, a restaurant resort, wonderful in terra-cotta rocks, papier-maché grottos, and Croton waterfalls haunted of certain semi-distinguished pushers of polite professions, among whom he had been known for years.

From the outset, he has reduced his ministers to the condition of clerks; for he is administrator as well as ruler, and in each department he watches details as closely as the entire mass. Accordingly, he requires simply for head of departments active pen pushers, mute executors, docile and special hands, no need for honest and independent advisers.

Of course all of those big triple planes have the fuselage mounting, and I was surprised to see still another sort of mounting, a movable gun fixed behind the keel of one of those new English 'pushers, just as I came in. It keeps a fellow busy to see all the new things here, and no mistake." "Your talk is so much Greek to me sometimes, Joe," said Bob Haines.

"But even if they do ally themselves, our way is easy: separate the leaders, the talented, the pushers, of both races from their masses, and through them rule the rest by money." But Colonel Cresswell shook his head. "It's precisely these leaders of the Negroes that we mush crush," he insisted. Taylor looked puzzled. "I thought it was the lazy, shiftless, and criminal Negroes, you feared?"

He beheld again the quieter hours when the young men saw visions together and felt themselves called to put shoulder to the car of righteousness, while they discussed with the sublime self-sufficiency of inexperience the politics and sociology of the world. The fellows all believed in him as one of those who are destined to be prime pushers at the wheel.

We'll probably get this Mother Corey and Isaacs elected properly; and for a while, things will improve. But there'll be pushers as long as weak men turn to drugs, and graft as long as voters allow the thing to get out of their hands. Let's say you've shifted some of the misery around a bit, and given them a chance to do better. It's up to them to take it or lose it." "So I get sent to Mercury?"

And not a muscle of her face quivered as she spoke. "If it does hurt my goodness! she is game!" Cora thought, and aloud she went on, "Cecilia isn't a bad sort a shocking snob, as all of us are who are not the real thing and want to be like your own common pushers over here. We used to laugh at her awfully when she first came from Pittsburgh and tried to cut in before she married my cousin.

Gordon asked. "Sure." Izzy patted the little package. "We get a quarter value. Captain probably gets fifty per cent from one of the pushers who's lined with him. Everybody's happy." "Why not push it ourselves?" Gordon asked in disgust. "Wouldn't be honest, gov'nor. Cops are supposed to turn it in."