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"Well, what do you advise doin'?" asked Miss Cummins nervously. "I don't feel comp'tent to advise, Vilda; the house ain't mine, nor yet the beds that's in it, nor the victuals in the butt'ry; but as a professin' Christian and member of the Orthodox Church in good and reg'lar standin' you can't turn 'em ou'doors when it's comin' on dark and they ain't got no place to sleep."

Tenney, in the surprise and mortification of this, barked out at him: "Don't ye call me a cuss. I'm a professin' Christian." "Stuff!" said Raven. "That's all talk. I wonder a man of your sense shouldn't see how ridiculous it is. You're not a Christian. When you stand up in meeting and testify, you're simply a hypocrite. No, I don't call you a Christian.

The stranger turned inquiringly. "His name's 'George, all right," continued Seth, with another chuckle, "but I never heard of his professin' anythin' 'nless 't was laziness." The stranger's face showed a puzzled frown. "Oh but I mean the man who discovered that ants and " "Good gorry!" interrupted Seth, with a groan. "If it's anythin' about bugs an' snakes, he's yer man!

Well, when that happened, you see, Brother Gorringe, not being a professin' member, and so not bound by our rules, he could just as well as not let his interest down a cent. But Brother Pierce an' me, we talked it over, an' we made up our minds we were tied hand an' foot by our contract. You know how strong the Discipline lays it down that we must be bound to the letter of our agreements.

"'Twas that owld Mahogany copperskin; but did I iver 'xpact he was up to sich a trick and he would niver have l'aved me a-fishing. Oorah, oorah!" he muttered, gnashing his teeth together. "What a miserable fool I have been. He to come here and insult me mistress after professin' the kindest regards. May I be made to eat rat-tail files for potaties if iver I trust red-skin honor again!"

"I'll risk it." Cries of "Good old Ned," and "Hunky boy!" greeted him as he took the pail from the perspiring Parkhurst, who at once lay down again. "You mayn't be a professin' Christian, in good standin', Ned Bray," continued Parkhurst from the ground, "but you're about as white as they make 'em, and you're goin' to do a Heavenly Act! I repeat it, gents a Heavenly Act!"

"I'm glad you said, 'PROFESSIN' Christian." she observed. "Well," drawing a long breath, "then I suppose I've got to say yes or no. . . . And I'll say yes," she added firmly. "And we'll call it settled." They parted before the hotel. She was to return to South Middleboro that afternoon. Mr.

"Of course," ventured Perry Larson diffidently, "I ain't professin' ter know any great shakes about the hand of the Lord, Mr. Holly, but it do strike me that this 'ere gold comes mighty near bein' proverdential fur you." Simeon Holly fell back in his seat. His eyes clung to the gold, but his lips set into rigid lines. "That money is the boy's, Larson. It isn't mine," he said.

I have paid him half of the two thousand and, if everything had gone on well, some day or other I would have paid the other half." Jed laid a hand on his companion's knee. "Good boy, Charlie," he said. "And how did the er professin' poll parrot act about your payin' it back?" Charles smiled faintly.

And, by the way, come to think of it, is there really any upstate Democrats left? It has never been proved to my satisfaction that there is any. I know that some upstate members of the State committee call themselves Democrats. Besides these, I know at least six more men above the Bronx who make a livin' out of professin' to be Democrats, and I have just heard of some few more.