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Updated: August 3, 2024

Pincott says, 'Hold your silly tongue, Trimmer, she says; 'Miss Ethel marry a painter, indeed, Trimmer! says she, 'while she has refused to be a Countess, she says; 'and can be a Marchioness any day, and will be a Marchioness. Marry a painter, indeed! Mrs.

Not that Blanche ever thought she was a hard mistress. Indeed, she made quite a friend of Pincott, at times, and wrote some very pretty verses about the lonely little tiring-maid, whose heart was far away. Our beloved Blanche was a superior being, and expected to be waited upon as such.

"If you'd said she was one of those outlandish Chinese junk affairs, you'd have been nearer the truth," observed Mr Pincott the carpenter, who, as of old, never lost an opportunity of taking up his friend. "By the way she rolls, I don't think she'll remain above water much longer." Captain Frankland thought the same, and making sail we stood towards her.

Pincott, of Kensington, my lady showed no rancour, and affably ordered fresh supplies from her: and when she drove about from the mercer to the toy-shop, and from the toy-shop to the jeweller in a coach, with her maid and Mr.

I could not bear the thought of leaving him; so I begged Mr Pincott to pull back, and signing him to descend by one of the rope-ladders hanging over the stern, we received him safely into the boat. Scarcely had we done so, when the junk gave a heavy lurch. "There she goes, poor thing!" exclaimed Pincott. "Well, she didn't look as if she was made to swim. But pull away, my lads pull away.

The Wigans offered me an engagement, and I stayed with them until 1868, when I again left the stage. During this engagement I acted with Charles Wyndham and Lionel Brough, and, last but not least, with Henry Irving. Mrs. Wigan, née Leonora Pincott, did me the honor to think that I was worth teaching, and took nearly as much pains to improve me as Mrs.

"There is Pincott, her maid," said Madame Fribsby, who, by aptitude or education, seemed to have some knowledge of affairs of the heart, but the great artist's brow darkened at this suggestion. "Madame," he said, "there are points upon which a gallant man ought to silence himself; though, if he break the secret, he may do so with the least impropriety to his best friend his adopted mother.

She had written off to Mrs. Pincott, by that very post, however, to entreat her to grant time, and as soon as ever she had an answer, would not fail to acquaint her dear unhappy niece. Mrs. Betty came over to console her mistress: and the two poor women cast about for money enough to provide a horse and chaise for Mrs. Betty, who had very nearly come to misfortune, too.

This woman was the mother of ten children besides the product of this conception, and at the latter occurrence had entire absence of pains and a very easy parturition. Pincott had a case with an interval of seven weeks between the births; Vale 1 of two months; Bush 1 of seventeen days; and Burke 1 with an interval of two months. Douglas cites an instance of twins being born four days apart.

"I should send you away, Pincott, for you are a great deal too weak, and your eyes are failing you, and you are always crying and snivelling and wanting the doctor; but I wish that your parents at home should be supported, and I go on enduring you for their sake, mind," the dear Blanche would say to her timid little attendant.

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