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Updated: August 29, 2024

Wycherley summed up thus: "The most advisable course is to give him the benefit of the personal superintendence of some skilful physician possessed of means and appliances of every sort for soothing and restraining the specific malady. Mr. Hardie did not at first see the exact purport of this oleaginous periphrasis.

Callum told him also, 'tat his leather DORLACH wi' the lock on her was come frae Doune, and she was awa again in the wain wi' Vich Inn Vohr's walise, By this periphrasis Waverley readily apprehended his portmanteau was intended. He thought upon the mysterious packet of the maid of the cavern, which seemed always to escape him when within his very grasp.

Often again, as is the case with all attempts to present the thoughts of the ancient in a modern dress, a periphrasis must be used to explain the meaning of an idea which was instantly caught by the Greek or Roman ear.

"May you never die till you see your own funeral!" is a very beautiful specimen of the periphrasis: it simply means, may you be hanged; for he who is hanged is humorously said to be favored with a view of that sombre spectacle, by which they mean the crowd that attends an execution. To the same purpose is, "May you die wid a caper in your heel!" "May you die in your pumps!"

Surely a memory which is exercised without any consciousness of recollecting is only a periphrasis for the absence of any memory at all. Refutation Memory at once a promoter and a disturber of uniformity of action and structure.

'They're what them French fellers call "galettes," observed Nimrod, biting one. 'Flour an' water, baked in the ashes. Turnpike bread is better what the ole gall makes to hum. Be it remarked that this periphrasis indicated his mother; and that the bread he alluded to is made with a species of leaven. 'So ye ate turnpikes too, remarked Andy, obliquely glancing at the speaker.

for the word "all" is added without contributing to the sense. It is done for the sake of ornament, cf. Certainly the strenuous son of Menoetius is quite dead, for the word "quite" is pleonastic after the Attic fashion. Sometimes by several forms of speech he unfolds his meaning. This is called Periphrasis.

Assistant is more highly born than Mrs. Principal and gives herself airs; and the men are drawn in and the servants presently follow. "Church privileges have been denied the keeper's and the assistant's servants," I read in one case, and the eminently Scots periphrasis means neither more nor less than excommunication, "on account of the discordant and quarrelsome state of the families.

"And to conclude, the Splendour of the World desires your presence, madame." He seemed to get much joy of this mouth-filling periphrasis as sneeringly he spoke of their common master. Now Melicent, in a loose robe of green Coan stuff shot through and through with a radiancy like that of copper, followed the thin, smiling Jew Ahasuerus.

Callum told him also, tat his leather dorlach wi' the lock on her was come frae Doune, and she was awa again in the wain wi' Vich Ian Vohr's walise. By this periphrasis Waverley readily apprehended his portmanteau was intended. He thought upon the mysterious packet of the maid of the cavern, which seemed always to escape him when within his very grasp.

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