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Joicey was standing by a table, looking at Coryndon's card and twisting it between his fingers. He recognized his visitor when he glanced at him, and showed some surprise. The room was in twilight, as all the outside chicks were down, and there was a lingering faint perfume of something sweet and cloying in the air.

From being an intensely eager man of affairs he drifted into a social lounger the lapdog of the drawing-room where the close breath of some rare perfume meant more than the clash of interests, and the conquest of a woman greater than that of a nation. Just at this period Ethel Chichester was the especial object of his adoration. Her beauty appealed to him.

Thus again we changed our habits, our rendezvous, our quarters, and again we eluded suspicion. There came breathing-space. I went to her to enjoy it, as I would have gone with some intoxicating blossom to share with her its perfume, with any band of wandering harpers, that together our ears might be delighted.

The African hunter Cummings tells us that the skin of the eland, as well as that of most other antelopes just killed, emits the most delicious perfume of trees and grass.

This world of Truth was indeed a world of easy ways! . . . The garden was fragrant with perfumes; the perfume of full-blown roses great pink and yellow and white blossoms, drooping in clusters from trees and bushes; of lavender from an ancient bed; of stocks pink and purple; of sweetbriar, growing in a hedge beyond.

As long as it remains untouched its perfume is delicious and its dazzling beauty of form and colour charms every passer-by; but, as soon as it is culled, the scent is so strong as to be overpowering, and should you touch the petals they lose their satin smoothness as well as all their pure and white loveliness."

And madame was unknown to him! What was her purpose? Blind fool that he had been, with all his dreams. Ever was he hearing the music of her voice, breathing the vague perfume of her flowering lips, seeing the heavenly shadows in her eyes. Once he had come upon her while she slept. Oh, happy thief, to have pressed his lips upon that cheek, blooming delicately as a Persian peach!

Another was stamped with a crest and emitted a slight perfume; a third was enlivened by a monogram in gold and began: "Ma chere amie," in a bold round hand. The one under her hand she did not open, but slipped into the pocket of her dress. The others she tore into bits and threw upon the blazing logs.

He was smiling now with a grace that was almost feminine. "What perfume does Madame desire?" he said in French. Domini gazed at him as at a deep mystery, but with the searching directness characteristic of her, a fearlessness so absolute that it embarrassed many people. "Please give me something that is of the East not violets, not lilac." "Amber," said Batouch.

So volatile and intangible was the story that to convey it in words would have been as hard as to cage a perfume. They observed his altered manner, and said he was in love. Pierston admitted that he was; and there it ended. When he reached home he looked out of his bed-room window, and began to consider in what direction from where he stood that darling little figure lay.