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The federal authorities following up her statements at last located Paret in the city prison at Atlanta, Georgia, where he had been convicted on a similar charge. He was brought to Chicago and on his testimony Lair was also convicted and imprisoned.

"You didn't see in the papers that he was nominated, did you, Paret?" "But if the mill people wanted him, George, how could it be prevented?" his wife demanded. George winked at me. "There are more ways of skinning a cat than one," he said cryptically. "Well, it's time to go to the meeting, I guess," remarked Ezra, rising. Once more he looked at his watch.

These articles had been packed by her hands; and in one corner, among the underclothes on which she had neatly sewed my initials, lay the new Bible she had bought. "Hugh Moreton Paret, from his Mother. September, 1881." What was it within me that pressed and pressed until I thought I could bear the pain of it no longer?

Life had taught her to be indifferent to surprises, and it was I who became abruptly embarrassed. "Oh, it's you, Mr. Paret," she said, as though I had been a frequent caller. I had never once darkened her threshold since I had left her house. "Yes," I answered, and hesitated.... "Is Mr. Krebs in?"

In the act of summoning my counter-arguments I was interrupted by the entrance of Grierson. He was calling on a matter of business, but began to talk about the extracts from Krebs's speech he had read in the Mail and State. "What in hell is this fellow driving at, Paret?" he demanded. "It sounds to me like the ranting of a lunatic dervish.

Judd Jason, with a queer look, got up and went to a desk in a dark corner, and after rummaging for a few moments in one of the pigeon-holes, drew forth a glass cylinder, which he held out as he approached me. "You get it, Mr. Paret," he said. "What is it?" I asked, "a bomb!"

"That's all right, Mr. Paret. Of course I don't want to question your judgment, sir. And you say he's a friend of yours." "I said I knew him at college." "But you will pardon me," the Colonel went on, "when I tell you that I've had some experience with that breed, and I have yet to see one of 'em you couldn't come to terms with in some way in some way," he added, significantly.

Paret one of our rising lawyers..." I shook hands with them all and sat down. Opening his long coat, Colonel Varney revealed two rows of cigars, suggesting cartridges in a belt. These he proceeded to hand out as he talked. "I'm glad to see you here, Mr. Paret. You must stay awhile, and become acquainted with the men who ahem are shaping the destinies of a great state.

"We had to give him a little rope to go through with his act," he whispered confidentially. "But he'll sign it all right. And now, if you'll excuse me, Mr. Paret, I'll lay a few mines. See you at the hotel, sir." Thus he indicated, delicately, that it would be better for me to keep out of sight.

Hugh Paret, who wrote drafts of the resolutions and suggested privately to Mr. Leonard Dickinson that a little enthusiasm from these organizations might be helpful. Mr. Dickinson accepted the suggestion eagerly, wondering why he hadn't thought of it himself. The resolutions carried some weight with a public that did not know its right hand from its left.