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Wounds which affect the elbow joint, then, may be thought of in most cases, as resultant from external violence. They may be contused wounds or penetrant wounds. Sharp shoe-calks afford a means of infliction of penetrant wounds which may occasion open joint and infectious arthritis. Classification. A practical manner of classifying inflammation of the elbow is on an etiological basis.

Then she murmured again, "That's just what I mean." A blankness came over the girl's face as a light cloud will cross the moon. She regarded Hilda from behind it with penetrant anxiety. "Did you really enjoy that hymn?" she asked. "Indeed I did." "Then, dear Miss Howe, I think you cannot be very far from the kingdom." "I? Oh, I have my part in a kingdom." Her voice caressed the idea.

But before he could pull trigger the strange two-pronged torch was tossed on high by somebody behind the messenger, and through the dull and foggy gloom a wild, fierce, penetrant cry wailed piercingly. Came a shooting, numbing pain in Stern's right elbow. The arm dropped, helpless. The boulder which, flung with accurate aim, had destroyed his aim, rolled at his feet.

Yet the few penetrant minds which recognized a remarkable power and a method of strange fascination in the stories did not make the public nor influence the public mind.

One minute he was half frozen, the next a rosy glow enfolded him. Slowly he lifted a hand and touched his lips. Then he raised his eyes from the water and swept the sky in a penetrant gaze. "My gracious Heavenly Father," said the Harvester reverently. "Would it be like that?"

The look in her face reminded him of moments in the old days at Battle Hall, when she had wrapped the wandering general in a tenderness that was maternal. With a sudden penetrant insight into her heart, he realised that her natural emotions were her nobler ones that as child and mother the greatness of her nature assumed its visible form.

His most penetrant mind-probing could not get the answer from any of the minds there to the others it was merely "a planet," nothing more. And this ape, with his perfect mental control, let nothing leak. But the leader had caught himself and gone on almost as though there had been no break, "... chance using you, I think. If so, your salary will be a thousand credits a month, plus all expenses.

Small penetrant wounds which infect the synovial membranes cause infectious arthritis in some cases, whereas a wound of sufficient size to produce evacuation of all synovia will, in many instances, cause no serious distress to the subject, even when not treated for several days.

The morning air was ineffably sweet and keen penetrant, tonic, with moist, racy smells, the smell of the good brown earth, the smell of green things and growing things. The dew was spread over the grass like a veil of silver gossamer, spangled with crystals. The friendly country westward, vineyards and white villas, laughed in the sun at the Gnisi, sulking black in shadow to the east.

I've been in brawls before, and I'm a lot younger and maybe some faster than you are," Costigan explained briefly, penetrant gaze rigidly to the fore as they ran along one corridor after another. Several more guards, both living and mechanical, were encountered on the way, but they were not permitted to offer any opposition. Costigan saw them first.