United States or Greenland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Rain, rain, by night and in the morning; then sun and wind to dry our feathers and make us glad, but never enough to dry the corn to enable them to carry it and build it up in stacks where it would be so much harder to get at. Could anything be better! But the commonest bird, the one which vastly outnumbers all the others I have named together, is the starling.

Part of this falling back was undoubtedly necessary, and all of it may have been. It did not look so, however, to me. In my opinion, Thomas far outnumbers Hood in infantry. In cavalry Hood has the advantage in morale and numbers. I hope yet that Hood will be badly crippled, if not destroyed. The general news you will learn from the papers better than I can give it.

If either is to be protected by law, it should be the drunkard, since he is the weaker, rather than the rumseller, who persistently blocks the pathway of reform. "We know that we utter the voice of the majority of the women of the State when we plead the cause of prohibition and the women of Massachusetts outnumbers its men by more than sixty thousand.

One talks of the chances of war, but this is making death almost a certainty; for if the war continues another two or three years, how few will be left of those who began it! "Even now a great battle will probably be fought, in a few days. Two great armies are within as many marches of Dresden. The smallest of them outnumbers Frederick.

The force before us without question is ready for battle and outnumbers us largely." "Why do you think that?" inquired Colonel Todd. "Because of the easy and slow retreat of the Indians who just went over the crest of yonder hill. I am familiar with all this region and I am fearful they are trying to draw us on. About a mile ahead of us there are two ravines, one on either side of the ridge.

In these recitals, the party in question always meet a foe who vastly outnumbers them, and according to their account, their opponents always suffer terribly in slain, and would have eventually been overcome, and completely routed, had not some trifling accident which could not be foreseen occurred to mar the effects of their stunning prowess.

Anthea cereus, which contains most algae, probably far outnumbers all the other species of sea-anemones put together, and the Radiolarians which contain yellow cells are far more abundant than those which are destitute of them. Such instances, which might easily be multiplied, show that the association is beneficial to the animals concerned.

Marriage might have tamed him. Bachelors are of two kinds those who are innocent of women, and those who know women too well. The second class, I am told, outnumbers the first as ten to one. Voltaire had been a favorite of various women usually married ladies, and those older than himself.

Indifferent to the truth that the members of this innocent and proscribed community can justly claim to rank as among the most disinterested, the most competent, and the most ardent lovers of their native land, contemptuous of their high sense of world citizenship which the advocates of an excessive and narrow nationalism can never hope to appreciate, such an authority refuses to grant to a Faith which extends its spiritual jurisdiction over well-nigh six hundred local communities, and which numerically outnumbers the adherents of either the Christian, the Jewish, or the Zoroastrian Faiths in that land, the necessary legal right to enforce its laws, to administer its affairs, to conduct its schools, to celebrate its festivals, to circulate its literature, to solemnize its rites, to erect its edifices, and to safeguard its endowments.

Thus, the man who is chosen, even by the strongest party, represents perhaps the real wishes only of the narrow margin by which that party outnumbers the other. Any section whose support is necessary to success possesses a veto on the candidate.