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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Hullo, old chap," said I, "what's up?" "Faith, Tom, Oi'm onaisy in me moind, sure, about Jocko," he replied. "Oi don't want yer sisther to be afther sayin' him at foorst. Sure, Oi want to take her be surprise, alannah." "Well," said I, "that needn't trouble you, Mick. Let's put the little beggar over the garden wall." "But, s'posin' onywun's theer?"

'It was an expedition, says th' dillygate fr'm England, 'to serve th' high moral jooties iv Christyan civvylization. 'Thin, says th' dillygate fr'm Chiny, puttin' on his hat, 'I'm f'r war, he says. 'It ain't so rough, he says. An' he wint home." "Well, sir," said Mr. Dooley, "onaisy lies th' crown on anny king's head these days.

Joyce was so dumbfounded by this rebuff that she could only hide her confusion by displaying an exaggerated activity in the capture of the hen. Her husband, however, said blandly, "Och, don't make yourself onaisy, man. Loan or no loan, you needn't be under any apperhinsion we'll be comin' after her wid a basket. Divil a much. Stir yourself, Kitty, and be clappin' her in under the lid.

"For John bumpuss, aboord the Schooner fome "my darlin Jo, "ever sins you towld me yisterday that youd bin an gaged yerself into the fome, my mind has been Onaisy.

It's nine she has livin', she says, and four slapin' in the beds o' glory; and faix I hope thim that's in glory is quieter than the wans that's here, for the divil is busy wid thim the whole of the day. Here's wan o' thim now makin' me as onaisy as an ould hin on a hot griddle, slappin' big sods of turf over the dike, and ruinatin' the timpers of our poulthry.

Then he looks at me onaisy for a little, an' at last he sez: 'Wud ye loike a small job, me good man, well paid? "'Faith, sez I, ''tis that will suit me well. "'Then, see here, sez he, 'I should have got out at that station, havin' particular business; havin' missed, I must sen' a telegrammer from Euston.

"There it is, straight ahead the biggest of the three that you see above the scrub. You notice it's a different colour?" "'Deed ay, so it is. A wouldn't be onaisy, Tammas; it's har'ly likely there's much wrong but it's good to make sartin about it." No effort could shake off the apprehension which grew upon me as we neared the fence.

"Sure, sorr, there's nobody there," said Tim Rooney, who was on the main-deck below, just under the break of the poop. "There's divil a sowl botherin' the blissid pigs, sorr, as ye can say for y'rsilf. Faix, they're ownly contrary a bit, sorr, an' p'raps onaisy in their moind!" "Nonsense, man!" cried Captain Gillespie stamping his foot.

No wan that come near him wanted f'r money. He had headquarthers in ivry saloon fr'm wan end iv th' ward to th' other. All th' pa-apers printed his pitcher, an' sthud by him as th' frihd iv th' poor. "Well, people liked to hear Dorgan at first, but afther a few months they got onaisy. He had a way iv breakin' into festive gatherin's that was enough to thry a saint.

Arra, be me sowl, you'd make two like them, so you would; an' if you hadn't a penny, I'd marry you afore aither o' them to-morrow. Now, there's the whole sacret, an' don't be onaisy about it. Tell Father O'Hara how it is, whin you go home, an' that he must call the three o' you to me agin on next Sunday, and the Sunday afther, plase Goodness; jist that I may keep my promise to them.

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