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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Oh, it was thin that they stared at me as if I had seven heads; and, faith, myself began to feel flushed like and onaisy; and so says I, makin' a bow and scrape ag'in, 'I know it's a liberty I take, sir, says I, 'but it's only in the regard of bein' cast away; and if you plase, sir, says I, 'parly voo frongsay? "'We, munseer, says he, mighty sharp.

"For John bumpuss, aboord the Skooner fome "my darlin Jo, "ever sins you towld me yisterday that youd bin an gaged yerself into the fome, my mind has bin Onaisy. Ye no, darlint, from the our ye cald me yer own Susan in clare county More betoken iv bin onaisy about ye yer so bowld an Rekles, but this is wurst ov all. Iv no noshun o them sandlewood skooners.

"Manny's th' man on a throne wishes his father'd brought him up a cooper, what with wages bein' docked be parlymints an' ragin' arnychists r-runnin' wild with dinnymite bombs undher their ar-rms an' carvin'-knives in their pockets. "Onaisy, as Hogan says, is th' head that wears a crown. They'se other heads that're onaisy, too; but ye don't hear iv thim.

"Gomeral yourself and save your penny," said Mick, whose temper was not at its best after his long day of hungry discontent. "And the divil a call you have to be onaisy about the crathur follyin' you anywheres. Stayin' where she is she's apt to be, until she gets the chanst of goin' out to say wid the turn of the tide, and that's like enough to happen her."

That night she who had risen with the sun as Pauline Rigonda, laid her fair young head upon the pillow as the Island Queen. When the widow Lynch told Pauline that "onaisy is the hid as wears a crown," she stated a great truth which was borne in upon the poor queen at the very commencement of her reign.

"O, it was thin that they stared at me as if I had seven heads; and, faith, myself began to feel flushed like and onaisy, and so, says I, makin' a bow and scrape agin, 'I know it's a liberty I take, sir, says I, 'but it's only in the regard of bein' cast away; and if you plase, sir, says I, 'parly voo frongsay? "'We, munseer, says he, mighty sharp.

Whin England purrishes, th' Irish'll die iv what Hogan calls ongwee, which is havin' no wan in the weary wurruld ye don't love. "But with th' Fr-rinch 'tis diff'rent. I say 'tis diffrent with th' Fr-rinch. They're an onaisy an' a thrubbled people.

"Faix, it's no laughin' matter ye'll find it, dear. It's onaisy is the hid as wears a crown." "Why you talk, nurse, as if you had worn one yourself, and knew all about its troubles." "Sure, av I didn't, me progenissors did, in Munster, before you English konkered us an' turned us topsy-turvy. But nivver mind. I don't bear no ill-will to 'ee, darlint, bekaise o' the evil deeds o' yer forefathers.

"I've got wan," sez he, grinnin', "big as you, Mulvaney, an' fair half as ugly. Let me go get another." 'I was dishplease dat the personability av that remark, so I tucks him under my arm an' carries him to Crook who was watchin' how the fight wint. Crook cuffs him till the bhoy cries, an' thin sez nothin' for a whoile. 'The Paythans began to flicker onaisy, an' our men roared. "Opin ordher!

What we need, Hinnissy, is a perfect undherstandin' between th' ar-rmy an' th' administhration. We need what Hogan calls th' esphrite th' corpse, an' we'll on'y have it whin th' mules begins to move." "I shud think," said Mr. Hennessy, "now that th' jackasses has begun to be onaisy" "We ought to be afraid th' cabinet an' th' Boord iv Sthrateejy 'll be stampeded?" Mr. Dooley interrupted.

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