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"There is an excellent store on the Boardwalk and we found another in Omaha." "We have divided skirts and everything! Just wait till you see us!" cried Mrs. Budlong. "And you'll take our pictures, won't you, Mr. Penrose?" "I don't mind wasting a couple of films," he consented.

The storm took down all the wires in its path and the electric power was shut off immediately to prevent further loss of life. All night the stricken section was patrolled by government troops from Fort Omaha. With the arrival of daylight, a train-load of militia from Lincoln and the presence in the city of Governor Morehead, the work was systematized.

If he breaks over here he goes to the pen. That's the way he stands." "In that case, he'll more than likely stay it out." "He will if he's wise. He's been a kind of a streak of wildness, the sheriff in Omaha said. Sent me his full history, three pages. Married somebody a year or so ago, but the old man got him out of that by buyin' off the girl.

There were rumors in the air of branch lines for the Union Pacific. He was consulted for advice, importuned for positions, invited here and there. So that the days in Omaha were both profitable and pleasurable. Then came a telegram from Warburton calling him to Washington, D.C. It took more than two days to get there, and the time dragged slowly for Neale.

"This is Alan Hapgood," replied Polly, introducing her friends; "and this is Jessie Shepard." "You don't say so! Henry and Kate Shepard's daughter, from out in Omaha?" "Yes." Miss Bean completed Jessie's embarrassment by critically scrutinizing her from head to foot, then asking suddenly, "Do they dress much out in. Omaha?"

When the Union Pacific Railroad was stretching steel hands westward in 1864 Omaha was the most northerly outfitting point for overland wagon trains to the far West. At that time it took its name of "Gate City" and then its sudden growth began. In 1910 the population was 124,000. Because of its location it soon began to draw industries. Packing is one of its leading industries today.

Thus the Egyptians thought, as we have seen, that to drink pig's milk produced leprosy. But exactly analogous views are held by savages about the animals and plants which they deem most sacred. Amongst the Omaha Indians of North America men whose totem is the elk, believe that if they ate the flesh of the male elk they would break out in boils and white spots in different parts of their bodies.

I told her that I supposed there were policemen in New York whose business it was to take care of such people. Anyway, I was going to chance it. On my arrival at Omaha I was met by a number of friends who had heard of my expected descent on New York. They drove me at once to the United States Court, where my old friend, Judge Dundee, was on the bench.

The only old men in the country were the few surviving pioneers, men who had come in away back in the early days of the mining fever, long before the advent of the railroad. They had trekked across the plains from Omaha, and up through the mountainous passes of the Oregon trail; or, a little later, they had come by steamboat from St.

They cook worse in Undervelier than any place I was ever in, with the possible exception of Omaha, Neb. LECTOR. Why do you use phrases like 'possible exception'? AUCTOR. Why not? I see that all the religion I have stuck into the book has no more effect on you than had Rousseau upon Sir Henry Maine. You are as full of Pride as a minor Devil.