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The gorgeous trumpery of Roman Catholic church paraphernalia, unheeded as it is, looks strangely out of place and contrasts curiously with the simple Protestant forms. The church is crowded with a denser congregation than ever its walls contained before. The Oberst sits down with the under-officer; the general gropes for half a chair between two stalwart Kerle of the line.

You will see how the Flämisch Ah, you say the Fleming? the Flemish part of Belgium will receive us with such pleasure. It is only with the Wälsch, the Wallon part we disagree.... But there is so much for me to do we must talk of all these things some other time. Let us begin our business. I must first introduce myself. I am Oberst Gottlieb von Giesselin of the Saxon Army. What is it?" She fears "

Oberst von Lindenfelt having dismissed the troops the three Germans adjourned to the hauptmann's quarters, where over the remains of the bottle of spirits conversation was resumed. "Tell me how you gave the Englishman the slip, Ulrich," asked von Argerlich. "It was quite a simple matter," replied the spy.

The German journalist, however, had a commission to find out young Eckenstein and tell him of the bliss that awaited him two short miles away. Right hearty fellows were the officers of the second battalion from the grizzled Oberst down to the smooth-faced junior lieutenant; and the men who had been marching and bivouacking for a fortnight looked as fresh as if they had not travelled five miles.

"We still have him in close confinement up in the Karewenda Geberge," replied the hauptmann carelessly. "A personal matter?" enquired Oberst von Lindenfelt. "The accursed Englishman struck me a blow because I thought fit to chastise a thieving native woman," replied von Argerlich.

Under the temporarily exhilarating effect of the rank spirit they were beginning to forget their physical exhaustion. "To be on the safe side," continued von Gobendorff, "it will be necessary for me to get as far away from the Nth-West African Regiment as I can. I presume that you have no objection to my leaving you, Herr Oberst?" Von Lindenfelt grunted assent.

Warren still seated, but a little less stertorous in breathing, a little reassured, Vivie and Oberst von Giesselin then went over the Villa, apportioning the rooms. The Colonel and his orderly would be lodged in two of the bedrooms. Vivie and her mother would share Mrs. Warren's large bedroom and retain the salon for their exclusive occupation.

A soldier was even sweeping up all traces of the invasion of armed men and making everything tidy. It all seemed like a horrid dream that was going to end up happily after all. Presently Vivie would wake up completely and there would even be no Oberst, no orderly; only the peaceful life of the farm that was going on yesterday. Here a sound of angry voices interrupted her musings.

The official took out the papers and spread them on the desk between us. I watched him absently while he did so. Suddenly he uttered an exclamation. "Ah that's a haul!" he said, and pushed a bit of paper toward me. On it was engraved the name: Oberst Graf Benno von Scharlach.... "A good riddance," said the surgeon over my shoulder.

"Warmed with this good fluid, I deny your thesis." "How, sir? You never did anything wrong? and I heard you asking pardon but this moment, not of your God, sir, but of a common fellow-worm!" the Colonel cried. "I own you have me; you are expert in argument, Herr Oberst," said the Doctor. "Begad, sir, I am proud to hear you say so," said the Colonel. "I was well grounded indeed at Aberdeen.