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Updated: August 27, 2024

The Sieur Ragon was a little man, not over five feet high, with a face like a nut-cracker, in which could be seen only two eyes, two sharp cheek-bones, a nose and a chin. Having no teeth he swallowed half his words, though his style of conversation was effluent, gallant, pretentious, and smiling, with the smile he formerly wore when he received beautiful great ladies at the door of his shop.

This would have defeated everything, so I threw her a half-sovereign, and, feigning her own savage merriment, I said "Gold, little woman, English gold; spit on it for luck, little woman"; and I am bound to say that she did so, hobbling out of the room with the gold piece clenched in her nut-cracker jaws.

She tightened her nut-cracker jaws and glared at me disdainfully, her dignity was ruffled. 'I'm coming to it, aren't I? if you'll let me. If you've got no manners I'll learn you some. One doesn't like to be hurried at my time of life, young man. I was meekly silent; plainly, if she was to talk, every one else must listen.

Ah, it is all paying through the nose at this moment! We are manufacturing on a grand scale. If you had set foot in the faubourg, where I often work all night, you would have seen a little nut-cracker which isn't to be sneezed at, I can tell you. On my own account, I have made, in the last five days, not less than ten thousand francs, merely by commissions on the sale of druggists' oils."

"There's no mother could stand quietly by and see a father amusing himself by chopping up a fortune like his into sausage-meat." Josette, whose head was covered by a round cap with crimped borders, which made it look like a German nut-cracker, cast a sour look at Lemulquinier, which the greenish tinge of her prominent little eyes made almost venomous.

If you will take down the family atlas and turn to the map of Southern Asia you will see that Siam, with an area about equivalent to that of Spain, occupies the uncomfortable and precarious position of a fat walnut clinched firmly between the jaws of a nut-cracker, the jaws being formed by British Burmah and French Indo-China.

"He's up to no good," said Mary; and she flounced across to the door, and looked out at the now empty path. "Hanging about like that! Why can't he keep away? I don't want him." Mrs. Goudie, at the sink, screwed up her wrinkled nut-cracker face, and chuckled. "No, mum, she don't want un. But he wants she." And, astonishing as it might seem, this was truly the case.

Tam," that was what they called the dog for short, "go under the table or you'll get stepped on!" You should have seen how they all minded! even the father, who was six feet tall, with a jaw like a nut-cracker and a face that would have looked very stern indeed if it hadn't been for his twinkling blue eyes.

Little Hunne sat in the corner with his newly-acquired nut-cracker before him, gravely studying its grotesque face. Presently 'big Jule' came in, whip in hand, all booted and spurred from his morning ride. "Who will pull off my riding boots?" he asked, throwing himself into a chair, stretching out his legs, and gazing admiringly at his new spurs.

Ha, ha!" said the German, chuckling at his own joke, as he heaped the plate with almonds. "Here is a stone two stones to crack them no late patent improvement well, Adam's nut-cracker; ha, ha! But I think we shall do. We will not leave them uncracked. We will consume a few without fashionable improvements."

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