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A brisk breeze had been blowing from the nor'-east before breakfast, but this had subsequently shifted to the nor'ard at noon, veering back again, first to the nor'-east and then to due east in the afternoon.

Don't ye go through the Gap, but go 'long out on the turnpike over the mountain, and down t'other side to Avon, and so nor'ard till jist arter you git into Simsbury town you see an old red house 'longside o' the mountain, with a big ellum-tree afore the door, and a stone well to the side on't.

Riley did not answer, and soon Jenkins spoke again. "They're coming back. Only the woman only the woman out o' the whole crowd." "They'd better hurry up," responded Riley. "What's that over to the nor'ard?" "Nothing but a tramp," said Jenkins, at length. "But we don't want to be interviewed. Bear a hand, you fellows," he shouted. "Is the woman dead?"

I was 'board a French ship, Les deux Amis, bound from Bordeaux to Port au Prince, when just as we 'bout twenty league to de eastward ob San Domingo, keeping a look-out dat no English cruiser pick us up, we see one evening, just as de sun go down, a big ship from de nor'ard standing for us.

T' frigate as we 'n a' heard tell on, as lying off Hartlepool, got tidings fra' t' tender as captured t' seamen o' Thursday: and t' Aurora, as they ca'ed her, made off for t' nor'ard; and nine leagues off St Abb's Head, t' Resolution thinks she were, she see'd t' frigate, and knowed by her build she were a man-o'-war, and guessed she were bound on king's kidnapping.

"And what be in the wind with you women I know nothing of," he said fretfully, "but you do have some unlikely old ways." "What way be the wind, John, dear?" "A little nor'ard, what there be of it only a capful, though." "Aw, then, John, look to the nor'ard, for good luck do come the way the wind blows." "Good luck do come the way God sends it, Joan."

Then, finding we've played 'em a trick, they'll haul straight up to the nor'ard, thinking we've gone that way too, and we shall soon be out of sight of one another." Johnson kept his gaze intently fixed upon the tiny light as long as it remained visible to the naked eye, and when it could no longer be seen in that fashion he deliberately set himself to watch it through his night-glass.

"I should say we are in or near the group marked in the chart Papuasia; beyond them is the territory of New Guinea, and a point to nor'ard are a whole nest of islands discovered by the celebrated buccaneer, Dampière." "And their inhabitants?" "Oh, some of them are pretty fair; but, taking them in the lump, they are a bad lot."

"Oh!" replied he, "I can tell you that in half-a-dozen words. When the boat returned from landing you, old Rawlings went at once to the cabin to make his report, and soon afterwards we filled away and stood to the nor'ard and east'ard under easy canvas.

As it was, he said, before we returned to Nassau, we should have to put in at Flying Fish Cove a small settlement on the larger island some five miles to the nor'ard, for the purchase of various necessities. "All right, Tom," I said, "I guess the game is up! Let's start out to-morrow morning."