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Perhaps, after all, our friend Owen may have run her on one of the unfrequented keys to the nor'ard, and, having only lately got her afloat and refitted, is now on his way to Jamaica. He is therefore naturally anxious to speak an English ship, to hear news from home."

Mr Hawkesley, d'ye think you can pitch a bullet into that long chap that's creeping up there on our larboard beam? I'm about to try my hand and see if I can't stop the gallop of this fellow who's in such a tremendous hurry away here to the nor'ard of us. Take good aim, now; we haven't a single bullet that we can afford to throw away.

This tremendous crack or fissure crosses the Straits of Sunda, and in consequence we find a number of these vents as volcanic mountains may be styled in the Island of Sumatra, which you saw to the nor'ard as you came along.

"Not effectual, lad; not effectual," returned the Captain, stretching out his hand and turning to the interpreter; "look, Anders, d'ye see nothing on the horizon away to the nor'ard? Isn't that a bit of water-sky over there?" "Ya," replied the interpreter, gazing intently, "there be watter-sky over there. Ya. But not possobubble for go there. Ice too big an' brokkin up."

The shot this time struck somewhat nearer, throwing up three successive jets of water, the last of which appeared to be unpleasantly close to the stern of the chase. "The fellow is overhauling her," exclaimed Mildmay. "Now, Elphinstone, with your permission, I will shift our helm and alter our course forty-five degrees to the nor'ard."

There's a strong current runs along the south, and then away nor'ard up the west coast. Right you was, sir," says he, "to haul your wind and keep the weather of the island. Leastways, if such was your intention as to enter and careen, and there ain't no better place for that in these waters." "Thank you, my man," says Captain Smollett. "I'll ask you, later on, to give us a help. You may go."

"Clew up and furl everything, lads, and be smart about it, for in another five minutes we'll have the lightning flashing all round us; but under bare poles I guess it'll take sharp eyes to pick us out." "Waal, colonel," he remarked to Lance, shortly afterwards, "I reckon that was a narrer squeak for us, that was. If I'd been fool enough to go to the nor'ard, they'd have had us for sure.

Had I been called on, with no more light than that of our experience, to draw the configuration of that island, I should have shown a series of bow- window promontories, each overlapping the other to the nor'ard, and the trend of the land from the south-east to the north-west, and behold, on the chart it lay near east and west in a straight line.

"I believe you are right, Jack," replied Bill; "only, as they certainly will not be able to see us from the shore, they won't know in what direction to pull, and may fancy that we are hid away somewhere along the coast." "They'll guess well enough that we should have pulled to the nor'ard, and will be able to calculate by the set of the tide whereabouts to find us," said Jack.

"Well, when we got outside the river, we pointed her head for the nor'ard, and by keeping pretty close along the shore, though we hadn't a soul on board that could navigate, we managed to bring the old Fair Maid safe into port that's Bombay.