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Updated: August 13, 2024

'Oh, Kester, said she once more, 'what mun I do? I'm pledged to him as strong as words can make it, and mother blessed us both wi' more sense than she's had for weeks. Kester, man, speak! Shall I go and break it all off? say. 'Nay, it's noane for me t' say; m'appen thou's gone too far. Them above only knows what is best. Again that long, cooing whistle. 'Sylvie!

But to give t' devil his due, it were good i' Hepburn to marry thee, and so soon after there was a' that talk about thy feyther. Many a man would ha' drawn back, choose howiver far they'd gone. I'm noane so sure about Charley Kinraid. Eh, Sylvia! only think on his being alive after all. I doubt if our Bessy would ha' wed Frank Dawson if she'd known as he wasn't drowned.

'Nay, my lass, I'm noane forgetting yo'. I'd a sore heart a' last winter a-thinking on thee, when that chap Kinraid were hanging about thee. I'll noane speak ill on the dead, but I were uneasylike. But sin' Philip and thee seem to ha' made it up Sylvia shivered, and opened her mouth to speak, but did not say a word.

'Mother, broke in Sylvia again, 'I'll just go and get t' lantern out of t' shippen, and go up t' brow, and mebbe to t' ash-field end. 'Do, lass, said her mother. 'I'll get my wraps and go with thee. 'Thou shall do niver such a thing, said Sylvia. 'Thou's too frail to go out i' t' night air such a night as this. 'Then call Kester up. 'Not I. I'm noane afraid o' t' dark.

'A were wed in 'em, and a'll wear 'em to my dyin' day, or a'll wear noane at a'. They're for making such a pack o' laws, they'll be for meddling wi' my fashion o' sleeping next, and taxing me for ivery snore a give.

But Darley's dead as a door-nail; and there's to be such a burying of him as niver was seen afore i' Monkshaven, come Sunday. And now gi' us t' iron, wench, and let's lose no more time a-talking. 'It's noane loss o' time, said Daniel, moving himself heavily in his chair, to feel how helpless he was once more.

I'm proud and glad, said Bell. 'Let-a-be, let-a-be, said Daniel, in much dudgeon. 'A were a fool to tell him o' such-like doings, they're noane i' his line; we'll talk on yard measures now. Philip took no notice of this poor attempt at sarcasm: he seemed as if lost in thought, then he said, 'I'm vexed to plague yo', but I'd best say all I've got i' my mind.

'Na, na, come along! a'm noane goin' for t' wait o' women's chops and changes. So Sylvia set off with a dancing heart and a dancing step, that had to be restrained to the sober gait her father chose.

'My lass, a'd fain have him alive, an' a dunnot fancy Philip for thy husband; but it's a serious judgment as thou's put me on, an' a'm trying it fair. There's allays one chance i' a thousand as he's alive, for no man iver saw him dead. But t' gang were noane about Monkshaven then: there were niver a tender on t' coast nearer than Shields, an' those theere were searched.

He even urged secrecy upon Sylvia as a personal favour; unwilling to encounter the silent blame which he openly affected to despise. 'We'll noane fret thy mother by lettin' on how oft he came and went. She'll, may-be, be thinkin' he were for speakin' to thee, my poor lass; an' it would put her out a deal, for she's a woman of a stern mind towards matteremony.

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