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Updated: August 8, 2024

Nevertheless as the words were out of his mouth his thought went back to the tall man whom he had first met at the churchyard gate of Netherton, and it seemed to him that he wished his thriving, yea, and in a lesser way, he wished the same to Roger of the Rope-walk, whereas he deemed that both of these, each in his own way, had been true to the lady whom he had lost.

The arrival of William III. restored religious liberty to the country, and Scotland was again left in comparative peace. My ancestor took refuge in Edinburgh, but he never recovered his property at Netherton. The Duke of Hamilton, one of the trimmers of the time, had long coveted the possession of the lands, as Ahab had coveted Naboth's vineyard.

People told me that it was a "rael bonnie sermon," and that Netherton had forgotten his after-sermon snuff, although it was his turn to pass the box to Burnbrae. The minister returned to his study in a fine glow of body and soul, to find a severe figure standing motionless in the middle of the room. "Wass that what you call a sermon?" said Lachlan Campbell, without other greeting.

"There's nae imaginin' aboot it; a' heard him wi' ma ain ears say twice, 'My father was an Amorite, and my mother a Hittite. I'll take my aith on it. Noo, a' dinna ken Donald's forbears masel, for he's frae Tayside, but supposin' they were as bad as bad cud be, it's no for him to blacken his ain blood, and him an Elder." "Toots, Netherton, yir aff it a' thegither.

Notwithstanding this improved method of reading her Bible, and her four black cats, she was condemned to be burned alive! She was about the last victim in Scotland to the disgraceful superstition of witchcraft. The Naesmyths of Netherton having lost their ancestral property, had to begin the world again. They had to begin at the beginning. But they had plenty of pluck and energy.

One of my ancestors brought from the battlefield the remnant of the standard; a formidable musquet "Gun Bothwell" we afterwards called it; an Andrea Ferrara; and a powder-horn. I still preserve these remnants of the civil war. My ancestor was condemned to death in his absence, and his property at Netherton was confiscated.

"Well, all I've got to say is that you've got a wonderful car there, Mr. er er " He paused suggestively. "Swift is my name," our hero answered. "Thomas Swift, of Shopton." "Ah, I've heard of you. My name is Layton Paul Layton. I'm from Netherton. Let's see, you built an airship, didn't you?" "I helped," Tom admitted modestly.

They were not sorry to have the opportunity at last, for they had suffered not a little at the hands of Kilbogie in past years, and the coming event disturbed the flow of business at Muirtown market. "Ye're tae hae the Doctor at laist," Mains said to Netherton letting the luck-penny on a transaction in seed-corn stand over "an' a'm jidgin' the time's no been lost.

Then their own folk took the two in hand, and these were the guard of honour who escorted the Minister and the General to where our Kate was waiting with the dog-cart, each carrying some morsel of luggage Drumsheugh, Burnbrae, Hillocks, Netherton, Jamie Soutar, and Archie Moncur.

But to be cleft by sword and pricked by spear into a religion which they disbelieved, was utterly hateful to the Netherton Naesmyths. Being Presbyterians, they held to their own faith. The dissenting Presbyterians assumed the name of Covenanters. Hamilton was almost the centre of the movement. The Covenanters met, and the King's forces were ordered to disperse them.

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