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Updated: August 14, 2024

They were rounding a sharp bend, and Naoum's attention was fixed on the outer bank. "What is it?" asked George, in tones of suppressed excitement. Naoum turned sharply to him and waved his arm in the direction of the cabin. "Quick, below for your life! If your face is seen you are doomed." It was too late.

"It is well to think. May Allah guide your thoughts into the right course! Go, and sleep well!" The two young men left Naoum's house and hurried back to the citadel; here Osterberg said good-night, and went back to his own quarters. That night Helmar did not sleep much, over and over again he thought of Naoum's offer, but with each attempt he failed to come to any decision.

Turning in the direction the sound came from, George saw it was the third man close by him who had whispered the word. Here was a surprise; but a light began to dawn on him as he answered with alacrity "Allah is good!" "And ever watchful!" said the man at once. So Naoum's power was already working.

All three men laughed, but the victim of their plans gave no sign. George was astonished at the workings of Naoum's power. He had already established a safeguard for him, even on the short journey to Cairo; what then would he do when at that place where Mariam Abagi was?

His reflections were put a stop to as the sound of Naoum's voice fell on his ear. "I will leave you, mother; he will recover now, and, under your administering, rapidly. See that you tell him the news I have brought you. There is much work for us all, and his share of it will require a healthy body."

Helmar now understood the reason this brute was sent in charge of him, and he knew that his journey was to be one of insufferable agony. Oh, for one moment of freedom again! If it cost him his life he would exterminate the hound. After his last onslaught, Abdu left him alone for a while, and Helmar's anger began to cool down. He thought of Naoum's words, and realized how truly he had spoken.

However, I have discovered a route by which the journey may be accomplished in safety; but it will require all the ingenuity you may possess to bring it to a successful issue." "When will the start be made?" asked George, with many misgivings, as he listened to Naoum's words. "To-night," came the startling reply. "To-night?" echoed George, in surprise. "But how?"

This was the signal Naoum's men waited for, and without further delay they set to work with a will, pitching the struggling rebels back into the water and taking pot shots at them afterwards as if they were ducks. The struggle, however, had only just begun; as fast as the defenders beat the assailants off more came on.

I shall go and discover what news my men have brought in." He turned, as he spoke, and left the room. So after all he was to be the victim of Arden's cruel machinations, thought George, when he found himself alone. In spite of all Naoum's power he was unable to stay the hand of this ruthless enemy. Torture! The word was one of terrible significance; death was child's play compared with it.

The moment he put his foot on the first step of the stairway, George remembered Naoum's words. Was this the place in which the interrogation was to be carried out!

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