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Updated: August 14, 2024

"There is no sign of the guards," he explained, "but they cannot, I know, be far off. Come, we must run for it. There is no doubt that where they are, Naoum's men will be watching to help us." Emerging from the thicket, the guide, followed by George, dashed across the open gardens towards another cluster of bushes.

Again their position seemed hopeless; but again, to their joy, Naoum's power was evidenced, and at their approach the gate was thrown open as if by magic. Once outside, they found Belbeis waiting with three horses, ready saddled. They mounted in an instant, and, as the pursuing guards dashed through the gate, all three started away at a gallop.

"He is the mate of Naoum's dahabîeh. I remember distinctly now. I wonder how he got here; he seemed a decent sort of nigger, too! I wonder if he were forced into Arabi's service against his will? I must find out; if so, he may be of use to me." Joy came into his heart, and he laughed aloud.

Yes, I am aware that you have secured that door, but," drawing the tapestry on one side, he disclosed, to Helmar's utter dismay, another door in the wall, "this is the way I entered," he said cunningly, "and by the aid of this door I discovered Naoum's treacherous plans. He shall pay for his double dealing, as shall you.

Naoum's men had fought like demons, and their devotion to their master touched Helmar it would have been so much easier for them to have sold him. In a few more moments the rebels were driven off, dropping over the side into the water, without thinking as to the whereabouts of the boats so long as they got safely out of the hornet's nest they had fallen into.

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