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George thought for a moment, his eyes resting on Naoum's face, everything became quite clear to him, and he remembered, though indistinctly, the angry tones he had heard before he became unconscious, and was wondering if they were Mariam's. "Did you come yourself?" he next asked her. "Ah," as she nodded, "I remember your voice."

George felt that his words were bold, even to being dictatorial, but he remembered Naoum's words and was determined to act as he had directed. With his eyes still fixed upon his interrogator he waited for him to speak. The effect of the line of conduct he had taken up was apparent when next Arabi spoke. "Then you think I have no right to have you shot! What do you expect?"

No, he would endeavour to put a bold face upon it, and trust to circumstances and Naoum's help to see him through. Keeping close to his guide he steadily descended. The staircase wound round and round, and as they got lower and lower the steps became more and more damp and slippery, until at last he had to cling to a sort of rough wooden balustrade for support.

"I ask not, in my own name, that you should do aught to show the gratitude you may feel for what has been done for you, but if you feel that gratitude you have so often expressed, show it by carrying out Naoum's instructions to you as if your life depended upon it, and the debt will be largely on our side." Without waiting for reply, she left the room.

And Helmar leant back in his chair, keenly listening for the sign from Naoum's agent. "Yes, that is all. I offer you your release, with no possibility of re-capture or bodily harm, in return for which you will have to secure me immunity from the consequences of the part I have taken in the Rebellion. And a very fair offer I consider it, seeing that without my assistance you can never get away!"

The boats were slowly getting nearer and nearer, and presently the rattle of the rebels' rifles rang out, but the bullets falling short of Naoum's vessel, they quickly ceased firing. "Don't fire until their shots come nearer," said Naoum quietly. "As soon as they show us we are within range of their rifles it will be time enough for us to reply."

The young man, delighted at this extreme mark of favour, jumped on his horse, and Helmar, in obedience to the officer's instructions, took Belbeis's horse. "It is good," said the Arab, "the master's work is now done. Be careful of him," he went on, handing over his sleek Arab charger. "He is Naoum's favourite steed, and will never fail you. I regret that he is wounded."

Naoum's people have discovered a cruel plot. Arabi, influenced by his wicked advisers, has arranged that, should he fail in his campaign against the British, should he receive one overwhelming defeat, then, to avenge himself upon his conquerors, at a word from him, Cairo will be burned to the ground." "The villain!" exclaimed George.

George did not answer at once, and Naoum waited patiently for him to speak. The generosity of this man knew no bounds; his offer was princely, and George hardly knew what to say. He hated to refuse this thing, for Naoum's heart was evidently set upon it, and yet he could not accept.

"Naoum's people bring us word that soldiers have been landing ever since the beginning of the war, but Arabi's people, probably to encourage the rebellion, say no, that the British army is but a puny affair." "What fools!" said Helmar. "They'll find out their mistake before long, and get such a smashing up that they won't forget in a hurry."