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But please 'm, oh /please 'm/ be sure and come!" She started down the street, then turned, as if suddenly remembering, and came back to the man still standing in the door, watching her with amused eyes. "Muther will be glad to have you come, too," she said, nodding gravely, "Mr. Mr. what did you say your name was?" "Maxwell." And again the hat was lifted. "Maxwell," she repeated.

"I don't know how old the United States is, but muther say being born when they was, and being named for Presidents, she's bound to teach us patriotics, and a party is the best way she knows of. She'd give it to me or Teeny if our birthdays stood for anything, but they don't. I'm ten, goin' on eleven, and ain't anybody yet remembered when my birthday comes."

"I hope you will come, too. I don't know whether muther knows you or not, but if you was Satan himself she would be glad to see you if'n you was a friend of Miss Mary Cary." "Now, ain't I glad to see you! Come right along in and set down, unless you'd rather set out. I'm that proud to have you here I'm right light in the head, that I am!" and John Maxwell's hand was shaken heartily.

If to these we add, with Dr Muther, his Biblical subjects, we find that there is not so very much left, and when we turn to the life's work of Rubens, Titian, Velasquez, or in fact any of the great painters, the difference is at once apparent.

Muther, one who has written brilliantly about him, tells us that "Veronese seems to have come into the world to prove that the painter need have neither head nor heart, but only a hand, a brush, and a pot of paint in order to clothe all the walls of the world with oil paintings" and that "if he paints Mary, she is not the handmaid of the Lord or even the Queen of Heaven, but a woman of the world, listening with approving smile to the homage of a cavalier.

Other critical studies are by Camille Mauclair, Roger Marx, Richard Muther, and George Grappe; and recently Elizabeth Luther Cary in a too short but admirably succinct article characterised the Guys method in this fashion: "He defined his forms sharply and delicately, and used within his bounding line the subtlest variation of light and shade.

She used to be in my uncle's hospital. In all this big country she hasn't a relative." "They said her letters had Mrs. on them. Somebody at the post-office told them so, but her husband ain't ever been to see her, they said, and muther say she didn't think that sounded as righteous as it might, comin' from Mrs. Deford, whose husband don't seem to hanker after her neither, and "

Muther, art-critic and biographer, calls our attention to the similarity between Wagner's music and Bocklin's painting. While Wagner was "luring the colours of sound from music," Bocklin's "symphonies of colour streamed forth like a crashing orchestra," and he calls him the greatest colour-poet of the time.

Yure a good feller, Albert Edard, & tho I'm agin Princes as a gineral thing, I must say I like the cut of your Gib. When you git to be King try and be as good a man as yure muther has bin!

"I was asked to hand this to ye." I took it in wonder. Was there something more from Detective Coogan? I tore open the envelope and read on its inclosure: "Kum tonite to the house. Shure if youre life is wurth savein. "Muther Borton." I studied the note carefully, and then turned to Policeman Corson. "When did she give you this and where?" "A lady?" said Corson with a grin. "Ah, Mr.