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Did you see how she looked at Montbarry, when she had to lift her veil at the beginning of the service? In his place, I should have bolted. Did you see her, Doctor? By this time, Doctor Wybrow had remembered his patients, and had heard enough of the club gossip. He followed the example of Baron Rivar, and walked off.

'Yes, he resumed, 'there is one thing I believe in. My wife has committed a breach of confidence I believe Agnes will marry you. Good night, Henry. We leave Venice the first thing to-morrow morning. So Lord Montbarry disposed of the mystery of The Haunted Hotel. A last chance of deciding the difference of opinion between the two brothers remained in Henry's possession.

On one day in that week the nurse returned in a state of most uncustomary excitement from an errand on which Agnes had sent her. Passing the door of a fashionable dentist, she had met Lord Montbarry himself just leaving the house. The good woman's report described him, with malicious pleasure, as looking wretchedly ill. 'His cheeks are getting hollow, my dear, and his beard is turning grey.

On the third day the fashionable intelligence of the newspapers announced the departure of Lord and Lady Montbarry for Paris, on their way to Italy. Mrs. Ferrari, calling the same evening, informed Agnes that her husband had left her with all reasonable expression of conjugal kindness; his temper being improved by the prospect of going abroad.

On the side of the Montbarry family, there were present, besides Lord and Lady Montbarry, Sir Theodore and Lady Barville; Mrs. Francis Westwick, and Mr. Henry Westwick. The three children and I attended the ceremony as bridesmaids. We were joined by two young ladies, cousins of the bride and very agreeable girls.

It was so small as to be only just perceptible, and it had in all probability been caused by the carelessness of a workman, or by a dripping from water accidentally spilt on the floor of the room above. 'I really cannot understand why Marian should place such a shocking interpretation on such a trifling thing, Lady Montbarry remarked.

These were the terms in which the Commissioners related the results of their inquiry: 'Private and confidential. 'We have the honour to inform our Directors that we arrived in Venice on December 6, 1860. On the same day we proceeded to the palace inhabited by Lord Montbarry at the time of his last illness and death.

Lord Montbarry died of bronchitis, at 8.40 this evening. All needful details by post. 'Was this expected, sir? the lawyer asked. 'I cannot say that it has taken us entirely by surprise, Henry answered. He telegraphed back to say that he had left Ireland for London, on his way to Venice, and to direct that any further message might be sent to his hotel. The reply came in a second telegram.

'No, she said to herself, 'the woman walks steadily; she is not intoxicated the only other possibility is that she may be mad. She had spoken loud enough to be heard. Stung by the insult, Mrs. Ferrari instantly answered her: 'I am no more drunk or mad than you are! 'No? said Lady Montbarry. 'Then you are only insolent? This is very noticeable to us foreigners among you people in the streets.

'Yes, he said, 'it is the palace that Montbarry hired at Venice; and it has been purchased by the Company to be changed into an hotel. Agnes turned away in silence, and took a chair at the farther end of the room. Henry had disappointed her. His income as a younger son stood in need, as she well knew, of all the additions that he could make to it by successful speculation.