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'Having arrived at the close of the present report, we have now to draw your attention to the conclusion which is justified by the results of our investigation. 'The plain question before our Directors and ourselves appears to be this: Has the inquiry revealed any extraordinary circumstances which render the death of Lord Montbarry open to suspicion?

He had previously heard that Ferrari was with Lord and Lady Montbarry, at one of the old Venetian palaces which they had hired for a term. Being a friend of Ferrari, he had gone to pay him a visit. Ringing at the door that opened on the canal, and failing to make anyone hear him, he had gone round to a side entrance opening on one of the narrow lanes of Venice.

Before she could add another word, Lady Montbarry sprang from the sofa with the stealthy suddenness of a cat seized her by both shoulders and shook her with the strength and frenzy of a madwoman. 'You lie! you lie! you lie! She dropped her hold at the third repetition of the accusation, and threw up her hands wildly with a gesture of despair. 'Oh, Jesu Maria! is it possible? she cried.

'She was nearer to the heart of the Montbarry who is dead than any of you, the Countess answered sternly. 'To the last day of his life, my miserable husband repented his desertion of her. She will see what none of you have seen she shall have the room. Francis listened, utterly at a loss to account for the motives that animated her.

The English offices must have been founded by that celebrated saint and doubter, mentioned in the New Testament, whose name was Thomas!" 'Doctor Bruno's evidence ends here. 'Reverting for a moment to our inquiries addressed to Lady Montbarry, we have to report that she can give us no information on the subject of the letter which the doctor posted at Lord Montbarry's request.

Here there happened, in each case, to be rooms of such comparatively moderate size, and so attractively decorated, that the architect suggested leaving them as they were. The room in which Montbarry had died was still fitted up as a bedroom, and was now distinguished as Number Fourteen. The room above it, in which the Baron had slept, took its place on the hotel-register as Number Thirty-Eight.

Lord Montbarry checked himself evidently on the point of entering an indignant protest. 'You acknowledge that you have not read the later scenes of the piece, he said. 'Don't be childish, Henry! If you persist in pinning your faith on such stuff as this, the least you can do is to make yourself thoroughly acquainted with it. Will you read the Third Act? No? Then I shall read it to you.

The interval passed, and the married couple, returning to the church, walked together down the nave to the door. Doctor Wybrow drew back as they approached. To his confusion and surprise, the Countess discovered him. He heard her say to her husband, 'One moment; I see a friend. Lord Montbarry bowed and waited. She stepped up to the Doctor, took his hand, and wrung it hard.

"I at once applied the necessary remedies. "For the next three days I was in constant attendance on my patient. He answered to the remedies employed improving slowly, but decidedly. I could conscientiously assure Lady Montbarry that no danger was to be apprehended thus far. She was indeed a most devoted wife.

James was quite alone; and as long as her bed-chamber was airy and comfortable, it mattered nothing to her whether she slept on the first or the second floor of the house. She had accordingly much pleasure in proposing to change rooms with Miss Lockwood. 'I immediately proposed to see Mrs. James, Lady Montbarry continued, 'and to thank her personally for her extreme kindness.