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It was glorious to walk to the top of Wetherstone Heights and see, miles away, the spire of Monkswell Church and the gleam of the distant river, then to hurry back in the gloaming with the rising mists creeping up like advancing specters, and to find the lamps lighted and tea ready in the cheery bungalow. Nobody wanted to quarrel with Yule cake and muffins, and even Mr.

"To resume," he said; "the Spanish priest who was persecuted at Graywater in early Reformation days and whose tortured spirit is said to haunt the Park, held the secret of this passage, and of the subterranean chamber in Monkswell, to which it led. His confession which resulted in his death at the stake! enabled the commissioners to recover from his chamber a quantity of church ornaments.

In the Hall of the Barbers' Company in Monkswell Street, the Court room, which is lighted with an octagonal cupola, was designed by Inigo Jones as a Theatre of Anatomy, when the Barbers and Surgeons were one corporation.

There is a short stair from the chamber into the cave which, as you may know, exists in the cliff adjoining Monkswell." Smith's eyes were blazing now, and he was on his feet, pacing the floor, an odd figure, with his bandaged skull and inadequate garments, biting on the already extinguished cigar as though it had been a pipe.

"Failing the evidence that others have passed this way, I should not dare to risk it! But the river is less than forty feet wide at the point below Monkswell; a dozen paces should see us through the worst!" I attempted no reply. I will frankly admit that the prospect appalled me.

In a word, although the passage and a part of the underground room are of unknown antiquity, it appears certain that they were improved and enlarged by one of the abbots of Monkswell at a date much later than Brother Anselm's abbotship and the place was converted to a secret chapel " "A secret chapel!" said Dr. Hamilton. "Exactly.

It was Monkswell, an uninhabited place belonging to Sir Lionel's estate and dating, in part, to the days of King John. Flicking the ash from my cigarette, I studied the ancient tower wondering idly what deeds had had their setting within its shadows, since the Angevin monarch, in whose reign it saw the light, had signed the Magna Charta. This was a perfect night, and very still.

I cried whilst Sir Lionel Barton and Dr. Hamilton stared at one another, dumbfounded "you think he is on the point of flying from England " "The Chinese yacht, Chanak-Kampo, is lying two miles off the coast and in the sight of the tower of Monkswell!" The scene of our return to Graywater Park is destined to live in my memory for ever.

No, sir, he hadn't been robbed; his money and watch were on him but his pocketbook lay open beside him; though, funny as it seems, there were three five-pound notes in it!" "Do you understand, Petrie?" cried Sir Lionel. "Smith evidently obtained a copy of the old plan of the secret passages of Graywater and Monkswell, sooner than he expected, and determined to return to-night.

The local legend, according to which a passage exists, linking Graywater and Monkswell, is confirmed by the monk's plan." "What?" cried Sir Lionel, springing to his feet "a passage between the Park and the old tower! My dear sir, it's impossible! Such a passage would have to pass under the River Starn! It's only a narrow stream, I know, but "