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Mikail's conclusions were accepted, and the cry rang throughout Russia, "Down with the Jews!" In all the land there was not a man who dared raise his voice in defence of the unfortunate people. That Minsk, the would-be slayer of Melikoff, had once been a Jew, served to increase the outcry against the race.

He might assist you." "You appear too fond of Mikail's society," answered the Governor, sharply; "and that is just why I left him in St. Petersburg." "Fool," replied Louise, half in jest, half in earnest. "Why, he is only my father confessor. You surely would not be jealous of a priest?" "Yes, even of a priest, especially when he is as handsome and fascinating as our Mikail."

No governor of a prison is allowed to do that until the circumstances of the case have been sent to the governor of the province, and the sentence receives his approval; that is no doubt what has caused the delay. All the prisoners are mustering." Godfrey, who was in the next bed, managed to draw himself on to Mikail's, and then to sit up so as to look out.

Mikail's heart turned sick. Nowhere could he find that truth which he sought. Even the better educated priests appeared to have given their creed no thought, no reflection. Still the young priest did valuable service in the field assigned to him.

The municipalities, with the consent of the provincial government, had taken every means to add to the misery of the situation. Mikail's book, "The Annihilation of the Jews," became the bible of the fanatical masses. Its sentences were distorted and exaggerated and then read to the intoxicated wretches at the village kretschmas.

Mikail's shout had awakened the whole ward and a sudden din arose. Mikail leapt from the bench and as he did so fell over the struggling figures on the ground. "Get hold of his hands, Mikail," Godfrey shouted, "he has got a knife and I can't hold him." But in the dark it was some time before the starosta could make out the figures on the floor. Suddenly Godfrey felt Mikail's hand on his throat.

"We shall look for it, Godfrey Bullen, we shall look for it always, and pray the good God to send it to us." The next morning when Godfrey rose he wrung Mikail's hand warmly. "God bless you," the starosta said with tears in his eyes. "I shall not come near you again; they would see that something was strange with me, and when you were missing, would guess that I knew you were going.

All turned to look at the speaker, and they whispered among themselves in surprise at hearing a monk recite the shema in a schul. The women looked down from the gallery in amazement. Mikail's face flushed. His first impulse was to flee, to get out of the accursed place, to break the spell of enchantment that bound him.

Still Fred said nothing, and he saw the veins in Mikail's hands swelling with anger. "So?" he said, when he understood that Fred would not speak. "Well, there will be a way to make you talk, doubtless. I might have you shot now or hung. But you are my nephew. You shall have the fairest of trials, for it must not be said that I did not see that you were well treated!" He chuckled ominously.

The assailants were eventually overpowered, and nothing might have been said about the matter had it not been that one of Mikail's party was seriously injured, having an arm broken and being severely kicked. Mikail was therefore obliged to report the matter, and the whole of the men concerned in the attack upon him received a severe flogging.