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Yes, by God excuse me, lady it's agoin' to be jest a dandy bridge until the river takes it out next spring, by God you'll have to excuse me again, lady." He seemed rather mournfully surprised by the frequent need for these apologies. "It was my raisin', lady," he explained. "My father was a Methody preacher. Yes'm, he sure was, by God, yes excuse me again, lady.

"You are the man who is to tell us of God." "I will never preach of Him again." "I built that log church yonder. Don't say that you will not preach in it. Whenever a clergyman, Presbyterian, Methody, or Baptist, came here, I asked him to preach in my kitchen. I tried to get him to stay; but no he always had work elsewhere.

"She don't take sides sharp in this war," her father said to Gaunt, "my little girl; 'n fact, she isn't keen till put her soul intill anythin' but lovin'. She's a pore Democrat, David, an' not a strong Methody, allays got somethin' till say fur t' other side, Papishers an' all. An' she gets religion quiet. But it's the real thing," watching his hearer's face with an angry suspicion.

"Ah! I know who y' are now; y' are a Methody, like Seth; he's tould me on you," said Lisbeth fretfully, her overpowering sense of pain returning, now her wonder was gone. "Ye'll make it out as trouble's a good thing, like HE allays does. But where's the use o' talkin' to me a-that'n?

Helstone, Joe Scott, and Barraclough, the "joined Methody". With a few strokes they stand out living. She has acquired more of the art of dialogue. She is a past master of dialect, of the racy, native speech of these men. Not only is Mr.

Reggie listened patiently when the office work was over, and encouraged him. At other times Riley insisted on Reggie's reading the Bible and grim "Methody" tracts to him. Out of these tracts he pointed morals directed at his Manager. But he always found time to worry Reggie about the working of the Bank, and to show him where the weak points lay.

And very oft he comes o' purpose to reprove folk for not coming to church, or not kneeling an' standing when other folk does, or going to the Methody chapel, or summut o' that sort: but I can't say 'at he ever fund much fault wi' me.

"Seems to me, Tresler, you're kind o' takin' a heap o' chances mostly onnes'ary. Meanin' ther' ain't no more reason to it than whistlin' Methody hymns to a deaf mule. Can't see why you're mussin' y'self up wi' these all-fired hoss thieves. You're askin' fer a sight more'n you ken eat." "And, like all men of such condition, I shall probably eat to repletion, I suppose you mean."

But we've many more Methodists there than in this country." "Well, I didna know as the Methody women war like ye, for there's Will Maskery's wife, as they say's a big Methody, isna pleasant to look at, at all. I'd as lief look at a tooad.

'You will do nothing with her at present. She is worked up to a spirit of resistance by too much argument, and the more you say the more obstinate she will become. 'You are all as obstinate as mules, said Mr Prothero; 'I can't think who you turn after. And then to have the impudence to say I was a Papist! Why, I'd rather be a Methody preacher any day. And you to encourage her, brother Jonathan.