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In the purity of its origin, amid the snows of Hermon, and in the beauty of its earlier course, it was an emblem of man's original constitution, when the Creator made him in His own image and pronounced him very good; but in these sullied and troubled waters hurrying on to the Sea of Death waters in which thousands of sinners had confessed their sins, with tears and sighs how apt an emblem was there of the history of our race, contaminated by the evil that is in the world through lust, and meriting the wages of sin death!

It was as if she had heard of some bad deed, and knew it to be repulsive, a thing intolerable, meriting punishment; yet, because it did not concern her, it had lapsed from her thoughts like a casual paragraph read in a paper which had not brought home to her any realisation of what it recorded.

"I do not, I assure you the thing is an absolute fact." "And do you," said I, with strong indignation, which I did not attempt to suppress, "do you suppose me capable of meriting such a charge?" "You would call me out for it, I suppose, had I the advantage of being a man You may do so as it is, if you like it I can shoot flying, as well as leap a five-barred gate."

The crowd of lovers will soon pass away and you know the fable." "Well, then, by meriting happiness, I will take revenge upon the injustice which would deprive me of it." "Oh! now you are in the clouds again, my child. It is very pleasant to soar to such a height, but it is not easy to keep the elevation."

And though Tiberius came in the succession of the Caesars, and though unmatchable Tacitus has embalmed his carrion, yet do I account this Yankee Jackson full as dignified a personage as he, and as well meriting his lofty gallows in history; even though he was a nameless vagabond without an epitaph, and none, but I, narrate what he was.

We are hardened to that and we think we are meriting the approbation of angels when we start a rescue mission for her special class. How pure in the sight of God is poor Fantine when compared with the cowards who will not smash the mill of which she is the mere grist. Just so long as there is a cash consideration in her life must capitalism bear the burden of her sin!

In brief, they deserved their approaching fate. Such men as Guido and such women as my wife, are, I know, common enough in all classes of society, but they are not the less pernicious animals, meriting extermination as much, if not more, than the less harmful beasts of prey.

I instantly saw in his looks marks of displeasure, and, though unconscious of meriting it, my trepidation increased. He took a seat without speaking, and after some pause addressed me thus: "So, girl, I hear that you have been meddling with things that do not concern you, sowing dissension between the old man and me; presuming to dictate to us how we are to manage our own property.

But it has no terrors for a long drive, and both the players went safely over and won Academy Hole in three strokes. West still held the odd. Two long strokes carried Whipple a scant distance from Railroad Bunker, which fronts Ditch Hole, a dangerous lie, since Railroad Bunker is high and the putting green is on an elevation, almost meriting the title of hill, directly back of it.

Thereupon the Jew gave the Soldan all the accommodation that he required, which the Soldan afterwards repaid him in full. He also gave him most munificent gifts with his lifelong amity and a great and honourable position near his person. A monk lapses into a sin meriting the most severe punishment, justly censures the same fault in his abbot, and thus evades the penalty.