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That the British should frame this memento of their great diplomatic defeat and hang it in the Foreign Office is an evidence of the fact that in statesmanship, as in less exalted matters, the English are excellent sports.

I pressed the hand firmly, pocketed a handful of gravel as a memento, then turned and went my way. And all there is to tell about my visit to Rydal Mount is this interview with the bouncer. Wordsworth lived eighty years. His habitation, except for short periods, was never more than a few miles from his birthplace. His education was not extensive, his learning not profound.

Whosoever repeats the "Vanity of vanities" of Ecclesiastes or the lamentations of Job, even though without changing a letter, having first experienced them in his soul, performs a work of admonition. Need is to repeat without ceasing the memento mori. "But to what end?" you will ask.

But before going I hurriedly sat down and began writing to Orlov: "I leave you my false passport," I began. "I beg you to keep it as a memento, you false man, you Petersburg official!

I will repay the £1000 lent me by Lord Windermear into his banker's, and then I must execute one part of the poor Major's will. He left his diamond solitaire as a memento to his lordship. Bring it to me, and I will call and present it." A chapter full of morality, which ends in a Jew refusing upwards of £1000, proving the Millenium to be nearly at hand.

Throw that hideous fan away! It is not worth sixpence. Where did you pick up such an ugly thing?" "It was the first handy article," replied Bessie. "Throw it away! No indeed! I shall keep it forever as a memento of this day." But Mrs. Sefton, in high good-humor, vowed that she should have a prettier remembrance of the day than that.

I have seen many monuments where art has exhausted its powers to awaken the sympathy of the spectator, but I have met with none that spoke more touchingly to my heart than this simple but delicate memento of departed innocence. This day Dame Nature seem'd in love, The lusty sap began to move, Fresh juice did stir th' embracing vines, And birds had drawn their valentines.

His hair, a memento of his Dutch ancestry, was of the fairest shade of yellow, his complexion absurdly rosy, and his measurement around the waist, when he was about ten years old, quite alarmingly large. This, however, was but an episode in his growth; he became afterwards a fresh-colored, yellow-bearded man, but he was never accused of anything worse than a tendency to corpulence.

Why, the Wragg girls will be green with envy when they hear of your exploits." He swung round the corner to the bridge. After a smiling glance at Spencer's impassive face, he turned to Helen. "You have come out of the ordeal with flying colors," he said. "That flower you picked on the way up has not withered. Give it to me as a memento." The words were almost a challenge. The girl hesitated.

Rats abounded in the ancient building she inhabited, and one of these had managed to ensconce itself within her favourite memento mori.