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I suggested the gift of the case as a memento of the occasion. I purchased that case with my own money and I placed it with its contents on the doorstep of your house." "Did you watch it all the time?" "No, I didn't. But I was satisfied that nobody passed, and I was sufficiently near to hear your door open at the hour appointed.

Crossing the broad deck, more spacious it seemed than an ocean liner, I came where my travelling companions were grouped about a grim memorial of the Jutland battle, a huge projectile that had struck one of the after turrets, in the doing of which it had transformed itself into a great, convoluted disc, and was now mounted as a memento of that tremendous day.

However, this last expedition ended not so. It taught me how hard it is to learn the grand lesson, "aequam memento rebus in arduis, servare mentem." But my good friends in the Custom House of Liverpool were not to blame. On the contrary, they did all in their power to procure balm for me instead of rue. But it would not answer. They appointed a very civil officer to attend me to the ship.

"That's me, I hope, trying to get home," he thought, "and find harbor in God's Church, will hold us all." Again the club was only a memory. It was like a walking-stick that, when the mountain-tramp is over, the vacationist puts on the wall as a memento. "How is your club getting along, Charlie?" asked Miss Bertha Barry, one day, when she was calling at Aunt Stanshy's.

I hope they will think to bring me back some memento of my lost boy! If it were only the handkerchief he used last, I should value it." The tears filled her eyes. Lionel respected her grief, and remained silent. Presently she resumed, in a musing tone "I knew Sibylla would only prove an encumbrance to Fred, out there; and I told him so.

It never came, however, for Tom chose to disappoint expectations by reading aloud her own translation from her position in front of the fire. "Memento remember; mentem and mind; servare to hold up; aequam your mare; in rebus arduis going up hill. That translation, young ladies, was given by an undergraduate in the University of Oxford.

He dragged himself up on the springboard dripping and spluttering, and clutching this latest memento of his submarine explorations. "It's a turtle t-u-r-t-e-l I mean l-e can't you understand English?" Pee-wee demanded as soon as the water was out of his mouth and nose. "Not submarine English," his companion retorted. "You can't keep your mouth shut even under water."

'Show Mary how it works. And Wynn, laughing at the mere possibility of any such need, had led the craven winking Mary into the Rector's disused quarry, and had shown her how to fire the terrible machine. It lay now in the top-left-hand drawer of her toilet-table a memento not included in the burning. Wynn would be pleased to see how she was not afraid. She slipped up to the house to get it.

She gazed with a hard and tearless eye upon the good-natured, kindly face. "No, there is no happy future for me nothing but want, and misery, and despair; but I thank you for your pity, and I accept these coins as a memento of this hour." She took them and laid them in her tattered dress, walked erect through the circle which gathered around, and was soon lost in the crowd.

In this condition I reached Saint Giles's Church. A crowd was assembled at the gate opposite its entrance, and presently the long surly toll of the death-bell that solemn and oracular memento announced that a funeral was on the eve of taking place. The funeral halted at the entrance gate, where the coffin was taken from the hearse, and and thence borne into the chancel.