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"Because," says he, "I makes my livelihood by it. I leave you, and don't tell you HOW I make it: for it would make you none the happier to know." It was in this way the convysation ren on more tears and questions on my missises part, more sturmness and silence on my master's: it ended for the first time since their marridge, in a reglar quarrel.

"In coorse I duz that for sartin'. The feelin's I hev torst that gurl air diffrent to them as one hez for Injun squaws, or the queeries I've danced wi' in the fandangoes o' San Antone. Ef she'll agree to be myen, I meen nothin' short o' the hon'rable saramony o' marridge same as atween man an' wife. What do ye think o't?" "I think, Walt, you might do worse than get married.

I believe she bullyd the poor creature into marridge; and it was agreed that he should let his ground-floor at John Street, and so add somethink to their means. They married; and the widow Buckmaster was the gray mare, I can tell you. She was always talking and blustering about her famly, the celebrity of the Buckmasters, and the antickety of the Slamcoes. Mrs.

Oh! he saw it all now the fust attempt at arest, the marridge fixt at 12 o'clock, and the bayliffs fixt to come and intarup the marridge! the jewel, praps, betwigst him and De l'Orge: but no, it was the WOMAN who did that a MAN don't deal such fowl blows, igspecially a father to his son: a woman may, poar thing! she's no other means of reventch, and is used to fight with underhand wepns all her life through.

Sure, the hostil goddes have, to plague me, ordayned that fatal marridge, by which you are bound to one so infinitly below you in degree. Were that bond of ill-omind Hymen cut in twayn witch binds you, I swear, Madam, that my happiniss woulde be to offer you this hande, as I have my harte long agoe.

"Carry that back to your master, Chawls," says he, "and bid him not to fail." You may be sure I stept back to him pretty quick, and gave him the card and the messinge. Master looked sattasfied with both; but suttnly not over happy; no man is the day before his marridge; much more his marridge with a hump-back, Harriss though she be.

Your mother and sister-in-law have perwerted you, Mary: and that's why I've drove them from this house, which they shall not re-enter in my life." "O, Frederic! it's YOU is the cause, and not I. Why do you have any mistry from me? Where do you spend your days? Why did you leave me, even on the day of your marridge, for eight hours, and continue to do so every day?"

Can hall people say as much of the money THEY'VE lent or borrowed? No. And I not only paid it back, but giv her the andsomest pres'nts: WHICH I NEVER SHOULD HAVE ALLUDED TO, but for this attack. "Has for marridge. Haltered suckmstancies rendered it himpossable. I was gone into a new spear of life mingling with my native aristoxy.

You teched him up fust on thet p'int; then while he's still kindah riled with you fur it teks him a long time to fergit a man's darin' to sot up opinions 'ginst his'n up you prances ag'in 'bout Betsy. No, you didn't beg him sortah bashful an' meechin' lak I know you so well, Ab but you jes' demands his gal's hand in marridge. This riles him still futhah.

I don't wish to digscribe the marridge seminary how the embasy chapling jined the hands of this loving young couple how one of the embasy footmin was called in to witness the marridge how Miss wep and fainted as usial and how Deuceace carried her, fainting, to the brisky, and drove off to Fontingblo, where they were to pass the fust weak of the honey-moon.