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Next that, the names of his bayliffs; and how one of them that made his circuits in the country, turned off his wife for having taken her in bed with a barber; the door-keeper of his baths turn'd out of his place; the auditor found short in his accounts, and the dispute between the grooms of his chamber ended.

He judged his heroes' achievements with the intelligent impartiality of a connoisseur, and he permitted no other prejudice than an unfailing loyalty to interrupt his opinion. And when in the manner of a bookseller's hack he compiled a Comical and Tragical History of the Lives and Adventures of the most noted Bayliffs, adoration of the Royalists persuaded him to miss his chance.

The same day broke out a fire in a pleasure-garden that was Pompey's, first began in one of his bayliffs houses. "How's this," said Trimalchio: "When were those gardens bought for me?" "The year before," answered his notary, "and therefore not yet brought to account."

Oh! he saw it all now the fust attempt at arest, the marridge fixt at 12 o'clock, and the bayliffs fixt to come and intarup the marridge! the jewel, praps, betwigst him and De l'Orge: but no, it was the WOMAN who did that a MAN don't deal such fowl blows, igspecially a father to his son: a woman may, poar thing! she's no other means of reventch, and is used to fight with underhand wepns all her life through.