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Johnson plied knife and fork assiduously, with eyes downcast and demure. Stanley Mitchell's smooth young face lined with suspicion. "When you've been up to some deviltry I can always tell it on you you look so incredibly meek and meechin', like a cat eatin' the canary," he remarked severely. "Thank you for a biscuit. And the sugar! Now what warlockry is this?"

He warn't drunk, and he warn't crazy, but there he sot as peeked and as meechin' as you please. She seemed all struck up of a heap at his rebellion.

Wa'n't she from somewheres up Parsley way?" whispered Miss Rebecca, as they stumbled in the half-light. "Poor meechin' body, wherever she come from," replied Mrs. Trimble, as she knocked at the door. There was silence for a moment after this unusual sound; then one of the Bray sisters opened the door.

If I'd stayed in till they got to growlin' around and wantin' to put me out I'd have to walk up and down in this town like Gid Ward does now meechin' as a scalt pup. That's why I'm takin' so much personal satisfaction in gettin' out they want to keep me in." "You ought to travel out around this town a little," returned his friend, grimly.

You teched him up fust on thet p'int; then while he's still kindah riled with you fur it teks him a long time to fergit a man's darin' to sot up opinions 'ginst his'n up you prances ag'in 'bout Betsy. No, you didn't beg him sortah bashful an' meechin' lak I know you so well, Ab but you jes' demands his gal's hand in marridge. This riles him still futhah.

It did worry me for him to feel so what you may call meechin' about folks. You see anything that made you think he wa'n't appreciated?" After Westover got back into his own room, some one knocked at his door, and he found Whitwell outside. He scarcely asked him to come in, but Whitwell scarcely needed the invitation. "Got everything you want?

He warn't drunk, and he warn't crazy, but there he sot as peeked and as meechin as you please. She seemed all struck up of a heap at his rebellion.

And when I did, who should I see but deacon Westfall, a smooth faced, slick haired, meechin' lookin' chap as you'd see in a hundred, a-standin' on a stool, with an auctioneer's hammer in his hand; and afore him was one Jerry Oaks and his wife, and two little orphan children, the prettiest little toads I ever beheld in all my born days.

Father goes up to him, lookin as soft as dough, and as meechin as you please, and says he, friend, it tante every one that has four hundred dollars its a plaguy sight of money, I tell you; would you run for one hundred dollars, and give me a little start? if you would, I'd try my colt out of my old waggon agin you, I vow.

Wa'n't she from somewheres up Parsley way?" whispered Miss Rebecca, as they stumbled in the half-light. "Poor meechin' body, wherever she come from," replied Mrs. Trimble, as she knocked at the door. There was silence for a moment after this unusual sound; then one of the Bray sisters opened the door.