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Updated: August 11, 2024

There were posies in their kepis, and bouquets were pinned by the plump hands of peasant girls to the jackets of the soldiers of the line, gunners, cuirassiers, dragoons, and fusiliers marins. Between the chorus of the Marseillaise came snatches of songs learnt in the cabarets of Montmartre and the cafes chantants of provincial towns.

It is easy for the boys of Brittany to die, those sailors with a rifle, the stanch Fusiliers Marins, who, outnumbered, held fast at Melle and Dixmude, and for twelve months made Nieuport, the extreme end of the western battle-line, a great rock. It is easy, because there is a glory in the eyes of boys. But the older man lives with second thoughts, with a subdued philosophy, a love of security.

Monseigneur F wrote and demanded a guard of marines for his cathedral, his people and his chattels quarante ou cinquante marins pour proteger nos personnes et nos biens, were his exact words, and his request has been cruelly refused by the Council of Ministers on the ground that it is absurd.

In case riots should break forth from secret lairs of revolutionary propaganda, squadrons of Gardes Republicains patrolled the city by day and night, and the agents de police were reinforced by fusiliers marins with loaded rifles, who simple fellows as they are could hardly direct a stranger to the Place de la Concorde or find their own way to the Place de la Bastille.

Her "Pardon Breton," "Noel des Marins," and "Angelus," for orchestra, are also worthy of mention, as well as her set of six "Poemes Evangeliques." She is now at work upon a three-act lyric drama. Augusta Mary Ann Holmes was born at Paris in 1847. Of Irish parentage, she afterward became naturalized as a Frenchwoman.

Then, realizing how this "population pullulante des petits animaux marins" must have impressed the observing ancients, he goes on to touch ever so lightly! upon those old local arts of ornamentation whereby sea-beasts and molluscs and aquatic plants were reverently copied by master-hand, not from dead specimens, but "pris sur le vif et observes au milieu des eaux"; he explains how an entire school grew up, which drew its inspiration from the dainty ... apes and movements of these frail creatures.

In Dixmude young boys of France fusiliers marins lay dead about the Grande Place. In the Town Hall, falling to bits under shell-fire, a colonel stood dazed and waiting for death amid the dead bodies of his men one so young, so handsome, lying there on his back, with a waxen face, staring steadily at the sky through the broken roof....

A son aspect, du sein des Lo, as he comes, from out the flottantes ramures, waving boughs, Montait comme un concert de A rising concert of murmurous chants et de murmures; song upflows, Des vols d'oiseaux marins Of winging sea-fowl lifting s'élevaient des roseaux, from the reeds; Et, pour montrer la route

We were grave, because the Germans are strong and fearless. "Are they coming?" grinned a sailor. "Let them come. We are ready." We learned to know many of the Fusiliers Marins and to grow fond of them.

One could have dropped two motor cars into the cavity. Who but Marins would have devised a celebration for us on July 4? The commandant, the captain, and a brace of lieutenants opened eleven bottles of champagne in the Café du Sport at Coxyde in honor of our violation of neutrality. It was little enough we were doing for those men, but they were moved to graceful speech.

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