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Springrove had told Cytherea of Manston's crime in a few short words. He now said solemnly, 'He is to die. 'And I cannot mourn for him, she replied with a shudder, leaning back and covering her face with her hands.

'I can prove that she is somebody else that her name is Anne Seaway. 'And are their suspicions true indeed! 'And I can do what's more to the purpose at present. 'Suggest Manston's motive? 'Only suggest it, remember. But my assumption fits so perfectly with the facts that have been secretly unearthed and conveyed to me, that I can hardly conceive of another.

'Suppose he should come in now and seize me! This at first mere frenzied supposition grew by degrees to a definite horror of his presence, and especially of his intense gaze. Thus she raised herself to a heat of excitement, which was none the less real for being vented in no cry of any kind. No; she could not meet Manston's eye alone, she would only see him in her brother's company.

The paper contained a verse or two in a man's handwriting. He recognized it as Manston's, having seen notes and bills from him at his father's house. The stanza was of a complimentary character, descriptive of the lady who was now Manston's wife.

Graye and the rector then turned off in the direction of the porter's cottage. Edward, to despatch the message at once, hurriedly followed the road towards the station, still restlessly thinking. All Owen's proceedings were based on the assumption, natural under the circumstances, of Manston's good faith, and that he would readily acquiesce in any arrangement which should clear up the mystery.

Indeed, there were such strong reasons for the exploit in Manston's circumstances at that moment that without showing cowardice, his pursuer felt it hazardous to remain any longer where he stood.

Cytherea wished for more. Eunice Manston's eyes were blue, and it was necessary that this woman's eyes should be blue also. Unskilled labour wastes in beating against the bars ten times the energy exerted by the practised hand in the effective direction. Owen felt this to be the case in his own and Edward's attempts to follow up the clue afforded them.

In a minute they were both on the floor, rolling over and over, locked in each other's grasp as tightly as if they had been one organic being at war with itself Edward trying to secure Manston's arms with a small thong he had drawn from his pocket, Manston trying to reach his knife. Two characteristic noises pervaded the apartment through this momentous space of time.

Manston's clear-headedness and integrity to venture upon such an extraordinary course of conduct no motive on earth. 'That was my own opinion till after the visit of a friend last night a friend of mine and poor little Cytherea's. 'Ah and Cytherea, said Miss Aldclyffe, catching at the idea raised by the name.

'No more, sir. Mrs. Crickett, temporary servant to Mr. Manston, said that in accordance with Mr. Manston's orders, everything had been made comfortable in the house for Mrs. Manston's expected return on Monday night. Mr. Manston told her that himself and Mrs. Manston would be home late, not till between eleven and twelve o'clock, and that supper was to be ready. Not expecting Mrs.