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You should see how they look at me when I gie them mair o' that rotten grass to eat. It's eneuch to mak a man greet, for what richt hae I to keep kye when I canna meat them?" Waster Lunny has said to me more than once that the great surprise of his life was when Elspeth was willing to take him.

"Waster Lunny," interrupted Elspeth sharply; "have you on your Sabbath shoon or have you no on your Sabbath shoon?" "Guid care you took I should hae the dagont oncanny things on," retorted the farmer. "Keep out o' the gutter, then," said Elspeth, "on the Lord's day."

When I saw the tree rise, I had been on ground hardly wet as yet with the rain; but by the time Waster Lunny sent that reassuring whistle to me I was ankle-deep in water, and the rain was coming down like hail. I saw no lightning.

This undid him, for the Queen, or her councillors, thinking from his first page that he had declined the honor, read no further, and appointed another man. Waster Lunny is still alive, but has gone to another farm. Sanders Webster, in his gratitude, wanted Nanny to become an Auld Licht, but she refused, saying, "Mr. Dishart is worth a dozen o' Mr. Duthie, and I'm terrible fond o' Mrs.

"He had the face of one using bad words," said the post, "He didna swear, of course, but that was the face he had on." "I missed it," said Waster Lunny, "for I was in full cry after Ezra, with the sweat running down my face." "But the most astounding thing has yet to be telled," went on Elspeth.

I could tell how the doctor, a man whose shoulders often looked as if they had been caught in a shower of tobacco ash, brought me the news to the school-house, and now, when I crossed the fields to dumfounder Waster Lunny with it, I found Birse, the post, reeling off the story to him as fast as a fisher could let out line.

Was it no provoking? Onybody can turn up Genesis, but it needs an able-bodied man to find Ezra." "He preached on the Fall," Elspeth said, "for an hour and twenty- five minutes, but powerful though he was I would rather he had telled us what made him gie the go-by to Ezra." "All I can say," said Waster Lunny, "is that I never heard him mair awe-inspiring. Whaur has he got sic a knowledge of women?

These sounds I am unaware of until they stop, when I look up. Such a stillness was broken now by music. From my window I saw a string of people walking rapidly down the glen, and Waster Lunny crossing his potato-field to meet them. Remembering that, though I was in my stocking soles, the ground was dry, I hastened to join the farmer, for I like to miss nothing. I saw a curious sight.

Something of the kind had happened, but I did not believe it then; with little wit I pointed to the shallow Quharity. "It may come down at any minute," the farmer answered, "and syne, mind you, you'll be five miles frae Waster Lunny, for there'll be no crossing but by the Brig o' March. If you winna come, I maun awa back.

Waster Lunny pulled his chair nearer me and rested his hand on my knees. "Dominie," he said in a voice that fell now and again into a whisper, "them looking on swears that when Lauchlan Campbell heard these monstrous orders his face became ugly and black, so that they kent in a jiffy what he would do.