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"An' shure ye don't need to write down what they're good fur, fur the good Lord done that Himself long ago. Luk here, now. That's Cohosh, fur spazzums, an' luks like it; that's Moccasin, fur Highsterricks, an' luks like it; wall, thar's Skunk-root fur both, an' don't it luk like the two o' thim thigither?"

"Luks as if he'd shtruck back tu Cow Run again," he said with conviction. "Must have come from there, tu thracks was goin' and comin' an' ye noticed, fwhin we climbed out av th' coulee back there. We must luk for a harse wid th' nigh-hind badly 'calked. Yorkey! yu' get back an' tell that Lanky Jones feller tu come on. Hitch yez own harses behint our cutter an' take th' lines."

'tis best so!" he murmured softly, "a showdown wid no ould shtiff av a non-com like meself tu butt in. . . . An', onless I am mistuk that same will come this very morn, from th' luks av things. . . . Sind th' young wan is as handy wid his dhooks as Brankley sez he is! . . . Thin an' on'y thin will there be peace in th' fam'ly."

WHOOSH! An' f'm the luks of the CLO'ES I saw hangin' on the wall," he continued, growing more nettled as I smiled cheerfully upon him, "I don' b'lieve you gut any worries comin' about THEM, neither!" "I suppose our tastes are different," I said, letting my smile broaden. "There might be protection in that."

The five dollars and a day off John seems to remember, though from his manner of recalling it I do not think his remembrance is a very pleasing one. Now I've found out what it is you all like the best, and I'm going to give it to you." Here the trio endeavored to appear gracious, though they were manifestly uneasy and a bit dissatisfied with what John would have called "the luks of t'ings."

"That's wan way ov lukin' at a vexed question, but you're th' only wan that luks at it that way!" "There's two," Anna said. "That's how I see it." When Jamie became a journeyman shoemaker, the priest was asked to perform the marriage ceremony.

And, a far-away black spot as yet, down the moonlit, snow-banked trail, indistinctly they beheld an unsteady figure slowly weaving its way towards the detachment. At intervals the night-wind wafted to them snatches of song. "Singin', singin'," muttered Slavin, "from break av morrn 'till jewy eve! . . . Misther B Yorke! luks 'tis goin' large y'are th' night."

See his bonny velvet clothes, his sword and sash; that's a lord, I can tell ye; and weel I know who he follows, who he luves, and who he'll wed." Bessie Hennock thought her companion daft. "See how luvesome he luks!" whispered Laura. Bessie looked again, and saw him gazing at her companion with a malignant smile, and at the same time he beckoned her to approach.

Pissarro, Sisley, Cézanne are impressionists, and in America there is no impropriety in attaching this handle to the works of Twachtmann, J. Alden Weir, W.L. Metcalf, Childe Hassam, Robert Henri, Robert Reid, Ernest Lawson, Paul Cornoyer, Colin Campbell Cooper, Prendergast, Luks, and Glackens. But Manet, Degas!

He luks over some papers an' sez he: 'A change an' a rist is fwhat yu' need, Sarjint Guy. There's a dhraft leavin' next week for Herschell Island I think I will mark yu up fur ut. "'Herschell Island? sez pore Nobby, an' wid that he let's out a howl. "'Tut, tut! sez ould Knockemorf, who was wise tu th' man's throuble. 'Tis safer off there'll yu'll be, man, than here, I'm thinkin'.