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"Come from country, maybe hey?" "Yes," said Jurgis. "Aha! I thosso! Lossa folks from country never saw such a place. Guv'ner brings 'em free show hic reg'lar circus! Go home tell folks about it. Ole man lones's place lones the packer beef-trust man. Made it all out of hogs, too, damn ole scoundrel. Now we see where our pennies go rebates, an' private car lines hic by Harry!

The effect of this separation of interests in a common good began to manifest itself, when the pavement of the crown of the causey, by neglect, became rough and dangerous to loaded carts and gentlemen's carriages passing through the town; in so much that, for some time prior to my second provostry, the carts and carriages made no hesitation of going over the lones, instead of keeping the highway in the middle of the street; at which many of the burgesses made loud and just complaints.

Reilly vanished, his face a picture of impotent malice, and Leroy continued: "We're going to the Rocking Chair in the morning, Mr. Collins at least, you and Miss Mackenzie are going there. I'm going part way. We've arranged a little deal all by our lones, subject to your approval. You get away without that hole in your head.

"I'm not an eddicated person," said he, "although if I hadn't done a bit of reading in my time I'd have gone dotty all by my lones in the old 'bus, but I've come to one or two conclusions in my, so to speak, variegated career, and one is that if you go one in that 'ere mad way for Truth in Parliament, you'll be a bull in a china shop, and they'll get sticks and dawgs to hustle you out.

And how is one to remember what one has done with one's Allowence, when it is mostly eaten up by Small Lones, Carfare, Stamps, Church Collection, Rose Water and Glicerine, and other Mild Cosmetics, and the aditional Food necesary when one is still growing?

"Of course not," said I, politely. He drained his glass. "The fact is," said he, "this war is a nerve-racking business. I never dreamed I was so jumpy until I came home. I hate being by myself. I've kept my poor devoted mother up till one o'clock in the morning. To-night she struck, small blame to her; but, after five minutes on my lones, I felt as if I should go off my head.

Anciently, in historic times, Arles, that lies near the apex of the triangle formed by the branches of the Rhone, was bathed on one side by the river, by which she received merchandise from the north; and, on the other side by the lones, or submerged land, that extended to the sea; and after Marius had connected these lones with his canal, she exported and imported merchandise over the Mediterranean through the lagoons, as the sea could not be reached by the river on account of its bars.

You're welcome to go over the house, though, if you don't believe me." "It ain't a question of believing or not," said the detective. "But we'll have to look around." "All right!" returned Logan, still with that perfect good nature which was having its effect on the two intruders. "Would you rather do the job by your lones, or shall my man show you the way?

It was not hard in that moment of her elation to understand why once the Chamberlain had loved her; beside the man to whom her own mad young ambition manacled her she seemed a vision of beauty none the worse for being just a little ripened. "Come awa' in!" cried the lawyer with effusion. "You'll find the mistress and me our lones, and nearly tiring o' each other's company."

Bully place, though worth seein'! Ever hear of lones the packer, hey, ole chappie?" Jurgis had started involuntarily; the other, whose sharp eyes missed nothing, demanded: "Whuzzamatter, hey? Heard of him?" And Jurgis managed to stammer out: "I have worked for him in the yards." "What!" cried Master Freddie, with a yell. "You! In the yards? Ho, ho! Why, say, thass good!