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Mendoza y Linares, old Pedro Miron, the advocate, and others of less consequence, whom Esteban had gathered from the Spanish Club. The host dismounted and lurched across the courtyard to Sebastian. "So, my fine fellow," he began. "Have you had enough of rebellion by this time?" "Why did you have him flogged?" the advocate inquired.

Captain Tiago did not deny that it was a miracle, but he added: "I do not believe, Isabel, that the Virgin of Antipolo could have done it alone. My friends have aided in it; my future son-in-law, Señor Linares has, as you know, joked with Señor Antonio Canovas himself, whose portrait we saw in 'Illustracion."

If he doesn't, don't let him marry your daughter, don't you permit it! If he hasn't any courage, he doesn't deserve Clarita!" "So you're going to marry this gentleman?" asked Sinang, but her merry eyes filled with tears. "I knew that you were prudent but not that you were fickle." Pale as wax, Maria Clara partly rose and stared with frightened eyes at her father, at Doña Victorina, at Linares.

Father Dámaso's voice ceased to be brusque; its modulations were even caressing. Maria Clara began to weep. "Are you weeping, my child? Why are you weeping? Have you quarrelled with Linares?" Maria Clara covered her eyes with her hands. "No! It is not he now!" cried the maiden. Father Dámaso looked at her full of surprise. "Do you not want to entrust your secrets to me?

It was not because the convalescent had no appetite that she was not eating. It was because she was awaiting the arrival of a certain person and had taken advantage of the moment in which her Argus could not be present, the hour when Linares ate. "You will see how that ghost will stay till eight o'clock," murmured Sinang, pointing to the curate. "At eight o'clock he ought to come.

The girl seemed to have been stricken dumb; she neither said anything nor raised her eyes. Ibarra looked Linares over from head to foot with a stare which the bashful youth bore haughtily. "Well, I see that my arrival was unexpected," said Ibarra slowly. "Maria, pardon me that I didn't have myself announced. At some other time I'll be able to make explanations to you about my conduct.

Gradually there prevailed a heavy silence which was soon broken by the voice of the alferez, calling as he ran: "Padre, Padre Salvi, come here!" "Miserere! The alferez is calling for confession," cried Aunt Isabel. "The alferez is wounded?" asked Linares hastily. "Ah!!!" Only then did he notice that he had not yet swallowed what he had in his mouth. "Padre, come here!

The road, after it enters the hills, abounds in strong defensive positions, and if General Chaffee or General Wood, with five thousand American regulars, had held it, as General Linares attempted to hold it at Guasimas, a Spanish army would not have fought its way through to Santiago in a month.

This priest is as much in love as Linares." Maria Clara looked at her friend, frightened. The latter, without noticing her expression, continued her terrible gossip: "Ah! Now I know why he doesn't go, in spite of all my hints. He doesn't want to burn the lamps in the convent. Don't you see? Ever since you fell ill, he has had the two lights which he used to burn, put out.

A man came out of the thicket and approached him: "What shall I tell the captain?" he asked. "Tell him that Elias, if he does not die before, will fulfill his word," he replied gloomily. "Then when will you meet us?" "When your captain thinks that the hour of danger has come." "All right. Good-bye!" "If I do not die before," murmured Elias. The modest Linares was serious and very uneasy.