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We got-a no-a da kids, and she like-a da country, like-a da me." "That's a fine idea," said the banker, turning around quickly. "Where is she now, Tony?" "She in Pittsburgh, wid her brud." "Send for her right away, Tony," said the banker. "All right, Mr. White, but I have no-a da mon." "Oh, that's so, Tony. Well, we'll take care of that."

"I understand-a da work," replied Tony, "and I like-a da live in-a da country, if you no-a make-a me sleep in-a da barn." "Where do you come from?" asked Bob. "From Italia. My fader, he-a da contracdisto and I learn-a da mase and-a da carpendero." "Well, why didn't you stay in Italy?" asked Bob.

Bonifacio's great booming voice with its indestructible singing quality called out: "Eh, Meestro Murray; how you feel all-a right yes?" "All right, Bonifacio," said Murray steadily, as he allowed the ant to crawl upon the envelope and then dumped it gently on the stone floor. "Dat's good-a, Meestro Murray. Men like us, we must-a die like-a men. My time come nex'-a week. All-a right.

I not like-a dat. Play quick somet'ing gay now." Nils put his lips to the instrument, and Joe lay back in his chair, laughing and singing, "Oh, Evelina, Sweet Evelina!" Clara laughed, too. Long ago, when she and Nils went to high school, the model student of their class was a very homely girl in thick spectacles.

Morris asked, and Enrico Simonetti heaved a great sigh. "I like-a da job first-class, Mr. Perlmutter, I gotta no keek," he declared; "but I can no work. I am seek." "Sick!" Morris exclaimed; "well, why didn't you tell us then? We'd only be too glad to let you go away for a couple of weeks, Henry." Enrico sighed even more deeply. "Ees not a seekness for two weeks, Mr. Perlmutter," he said.

He flush-a he cry he all-a da fire! he burn-a, burn-a, like-a da fire! You so good, so generosa you come see my lil Pietro?" "Why, of course I will!" said Hermione in her calm, soft voice, "poor little mite is he feverish?" "Si, si Signorina!" answered the anxious young father, "he burn-a, burn-a all-a da time!" "Reach me the aconite, boy dear; yes, that's it."

If you like-a my work and I like-a da place, then I stay, but if you no-a like me and I no-a like you, then I go." "All right," laughed Joe Williams, "that's a bargain, Tony. Do you want to begin work right away?" "Yes, I no like-a da loaf," said the man, shrugging his shoulders.

"You like-a smoke while we wait?" he asked. Burney clutched it and snapped off the end as a terrier bites at a rat. He laid it to his lips like a long-lost sweetheart. When the smoke began to draw he gave a long, deep sigh, and the bristles of his gray-red moustache curled down over the cigar like the talons of an eagle. Slowly the red faded from the whites of his eyes.

"My lil Pietro," cried the Italian excitedly, "he no sleep he burn-a burn-a all-a da time, all-a da time cry! You tell-a you sis she come-a like-a da las' time den he no cry-a " But here Tony broke off to flourish his hat and bow gracefully as he caught sight of Hermione herself. "Ah, Signorina!" he cried, "my lil Pietro he seeck. You please-a come see my lil Pietro?

"Yust like-a fedders," she pronounced with satisfaction. "My, a-an't dis nice!" she exclaimed as she stirred her coffee. "I yust ta-ake a liddle yelly now, too, I ta-ank." Alexandra and Marie laughed at her forehandedness, and fell to talking of their own affairs. "I was afraid you had a cold when I talked to you over the telephone the other night, Marie. What was the matter, had you been crying?"