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He learned so fast that before spring the accomplished Toby was outstripped; and as for the canary, an aristocratic golden fellow who had come all the way from Boston, Miss Libby was constrained to admit that, except when it came to a question of singing, her pet was "not in it" with her father's. Mrs.

Rose saw that a break out of Libby without such outside assistance promised nothing but a fruitless sacrifice of life and the savage punishment of the survivors. Hence the project, although eagerly and exhaustively discussed, was prudently abandoned.

"No, gentlemen," he continued gloomily, "I don't say what I'm back in Washington FOR I don't say what I've been sayin' to myself when I've bin picking the weevils outer my biscuits in Libby Prison but ef you don't see some pretty big men in the War Department obliged to climb down in the next few days, my name ain't Jim Hooker, of Hooker, Meacham & Co., Army Beef Contractors, and the man who saved the fight at Gray Oaks!"

We found afterward, when, for a short time, we were put among them, that they respected us the more for it. Thus it will always be when perseverance is exercised in a good cause. A few days after our arrival, we noticed a great stir among the prisoners at the Libby, which was plainly in view across the road, and but a short distance from us. We learned that a truce-boat had arrived.

The answer seemed to come of itself. "Oh, thank you, yes, I should like to go." "Good!" he exclaimed, and the word which riveted her consent made her recoil. "But not this morning. Some other day. I I I want to think about Mrs. Maynard. I ought n't to leave her. Excuse me this morning, Mr. Libby."

But, you see, Grandma Salisbury was with us then, and she paid a little girl to look after you, so Libby had really nothing but the kitchen and dining-room to care for. Afterward, just before Fred came, she got lazy and ugly, and I had to let her go. Canadian Annie was a wonderful girl, too," pursued Mrs. Salisbury, "but we only had her two months.

That night the moon-light streamed broadly into my window through the apple-boughs that showed black shadows on the floor. About midnight I opened my eyes suddenly. Mrs. Libby in a much-frilled night-dress was shaking my shoulder vigorously. "You'll have to get up. Agnes Rayne's dyin', 'n' she's took a notion to see you.

"But he came through the Wilderness." "If he did he lost a hundred thousand men, more than Lee had altogether, and now he's checkmated." "He'll never see Richmond unless he comes to Libby," said Redfield coarsely. "I'm not so sure," said Raymond gravely. "Whatever we say to the people and however we try to hold up their courage, we ought not to conceal the facts from ourselves.

And what was so mysterious about their conversation that reached her ears in spite of her attempting to enter the house without intruding upon her father's company? Her name was being spoken, and why would Aunt Libby not open that door? "There she is now," said Major Dale, as Dorothy gave one more knock. "Daughter, come this way. We are waiting for you." How hard her heart beat!

He forbore again to urge any plea for himself, and once more she was obliged to interfere in his behalf. "Mr. Libby, I have never confessed that I once wronged you in a way that I'm very sorry for." "About Mrs. Maynard? Yes, I know. I won't try to whitewash myself; but it didn't occur to me how it would look. I wanted to talk with her about you."