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M.F. Libby very roughly reckons "seventy-four interesting adolescents among the comedies, forty-six among the tragedies, and nineteen among the histories." He selects "thirty characters who, either on account of direct references to their age, or because of their love-stories, or because they show the emotional and intellectual plasticity of youth, may be regarded as typical adolescents."

Libby before he saw her, or before she could explain that she had got one of the gentlemen at the hotel she resolved upon this prevarication to drive her to Corbitant in default of another conveyance, he would have his impressions and conjectures, which doubtless the bunch of lilies in her hand would do their part to stimulate.

My new shute o' clothes had to be took in twice, I'm got so thin; but little you cares. Then, after a pause, 'Libby, mavourneen, you'd be a grand hand at managin' a little store; now the one at the "Corner" 'll be shut. 'Spose we tried it togedder, eh, mabouchal?

"Miss Breen I did n't understand I don't presume to meddle in anything You're not fair, Mrs. Maynard! I have n't any opinion on the subject, Miss Breen; I haven't, indeed!" "Oh, you can't back out, now!" exclaimed Mrs. Maynard joyously. "You've said it." "And you're quite right, Mr. Libby," said Grace haughtily. She bade him good-morning; but he followed her from the room, and left Mrs.

"I always like to see these fair men when they get tanned," said Mrs. Alger. "Their blue eyes look so very blue. And the backs of their necks just like my boys!" "Do you admire such a VERY fighting-clip as Mr. Libby has on?" asked Mrs. Scott. "It must be nice for summer," returned the elder lady. "Yes, it certainly must," admitted the younger.

It was twenty-three years old the 20th of February, 1888, and is still in a fair state of preservation, and on every anniversary of its issue to me, that old Libby prison ration and I have a little celebration, and revive old memories.

The City by Moonlight Old Accusation Renewed Libby Prison Discomfort A Change Citizens' Department Richmond Breakfast Removed under Guard Castle Thunder Miniature Bedlam Conceal a Knife Confined in a Stall Dreadful Gloom Routine of a Day Suffering at Night Friends Exchanged Newspapers Burnside Pecuniary Perplexities Captain Webster Escape Prevented Try Again on Christmas Night Betrayed Fearful Danger Avoided.

My work kept me here many days. November 25th I spent mostly at the sanitary rooms in Libby Prison, with Miss Morris, a French lady, who served as a spy for the Union generals. Report had it that she was writing a book of her exploits. A soldier told me he saw her a prisoner in Southern hands before the fall of New Orleans.

Maynard at the point of death before. As a general rule, she does n't die. If you have known her a long time, you know what I mean. She likes to share her sufferings with her friends. I've seen poor old Maynard" "Mr. Libby!" Grace broke in. "You may speak of Mr. Maynard as you like, but I cannot allow your disrespectfulness to Mrs. Maynard. It's shocking!

He looked curiously at the rapt faces of the mothers, their babies asleep in their arms; the parted lips and shining eyes of the white-clad girls; at Cap'n Lord, who had been in Libby Prison, and Nat Strout, who had left an arm at Bull Run; at the friendly, jostling crowd of farmers, happy, eager, absorbed, their throats ready to burst with cheers.