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The suppression of every error is commonly followed by a temporary ascendency of the contrary one; and so it happened, that after the ages when physical development alone was aimed at, there came an age when culture of the mind was the sole solicitude when children had lesson-books put before them at between two and three years old, and the getting of knowledge was thought the one thing needful.

She also tired early of her lesson-books, and, soon after she turned sixteen, declared her intention of leaving school. As at least a couple of years had still to elapse before she was old enough to be introduced in society, Mrs.

Jill put on one or other of her pretty new gowns, and played her pieces industriously; there was no stealing away in corners now. There were round games for the young people; now and then they went to the theatre or opera: no wonder Jill was too tired and excited to open her lesson-books. My fortnight's visit extended itself to three weeks.

So she told him the story, in the middle of which the wheelbarrow upset, because Maurice laughed. So he sat on a log of wood, and Bryda picked up the wheelbarrow, got into it, and began in the words of one of her lesson-books, with a little alteration to suit the occasion. "Friend! Roman! Countryman! lend me your ears! I am Charon " "What?" asked Maurice. "Don't spoil my speech!

For some time each minded his own; but then Lasse came up, drawn by the new lesson-books Pelle had got for his confirmation-classes. "Is that Bible history, that one there?" "Yes." "Is that about the man who drank himself drunk in there?" Lasse had long since given up learning to read; he had not the head for it.

Of course, Ben fought against Kathleen's rather wicked suggestion; of course in the end he yielded. When he finally got up to his attic to thumb over his well-worn lesson-books he had Kathleen's golden sovereign in his pocket. He took it out and looked at it; he turned it round and round and examined it all over.

Go out, and let us have no more of this." She spoke now with much less fear of not being minded; and having seen one of the quarrelsome parties safe out of the school-room, she went to fetch from her own room a glove that wanted mending; and on her return found Sam alone there, curled up over his lesson-books on the locker, looking so gloomy, that she was afraid she had made him sulky, for which she would have been very sorry, since she had a respect for him.

They pinched her, they bit her, they rubbed out her sums, they shut up her lesson-books and lost her place, they put bitten crusts into her plate, and did whatever they knew she most disliked, whenever Miss Fosbrook or Sam was not in the way; but she never told.

"We might meet the beautiful young lady again," she answered, with her head down. "I don't want to do that." "We will go wherever you like, my child. You shall decide not I." She gathered up her dress from the floor, and hurried away to her room without looking back at him as usual when she opened the door. Left by himself, Amelius sat at the table, mechanically turning over the lesson-books.

Dot used to kiss me rather wistfully when I left him with his lesson-books and paint-box, waiting for mother to come down and keep him company. Poor little fellow, he had rather a dull life of it, for even Jumbles refused to stay with him, and Smudge was out in the garden, lazily watching the sparrows.