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Bertrand, who was assuring her ladyship that not a word of the affair about the young lady and the lace should go out of her house. "Your la'ship need not be in the least uneasy," said Mrs.

For as for your own horse, as all the servants know a little how matters stand between my master and your la'ship, Robin will be hanged before he will suffer it to go out of the stable without my master's express orders." "I intend to escape," said Sophia, "by walking out of the doors when they are open. I thank Heaven my legs are very able to carry me.

'Why, I am a subtle man.... Do you not see? he said. 'The King's Highness would have me keep the confidence of Privy Seal that I may learn out his secrets. How better should I keep that confidence than by seeming to betray your secret to Privy Seal? 'It was very certain, he added, 'that Privy Seal should give a warrant to gaol your la'ship.

"When word came to Mr. Carthew's ears, the turn up was 'orrible," continued Mr. Higgs. "I remember it as if it was yesterday. The bell was rung after her la'ship was gone, which I answered it myself, supposing it were the coffee. There was Mr. Carthew on his feet.

"Dear ma'am, you frighten me more and more," cries Honour: "sure your la'ship would not venture to fire it off! I had rather run any chance than your la'ship should do that." "Why so?" says Sophia, smiling; "would not you, Honour, fire a pistol at any one who should attack your virtue?"

And now I end with compliments and curtseys to your la'ship, and the glad tidings that one of the virgin choir of Twickenham, those Muses to which Mr Horace Walpole is Apollo, has writ an Ode so full of purling streams and warbling birds, that Apollo says he will provide a sidesaddle for Pegasus, and no male shall ever bestride him again. September, 1758. O la, la, la!

Rosie, on her side, finding that her rage was wasted, sat down to recover herself, and then began to jeer at her victim, criticising her appearance, and asking her for the cast-off garments "for which your la'ship will have no further use." Finding that her ridicule was received in the same silent passive way, she became more demonstrative. "Somebody's been trimming you," she said.

"Why, to be sure, ma'am, my master no sooner told Squire Allworthy about Mr Jones having offered to make love to your la'ship than the squire stripped him stark naked, and turned him out of doors!" "Ha!" says Sophia, "I have been the cursed, wretched cause of his destruction! Turned naked out of doors! Here, Honour, take all the money I have; take the rings from my fingers.

"'Shall I be ill to-day? shall I be nervous? 'Your La'ship was nervous yesterday. 'Was I? then I'll have a cold I haven't had a cold this fortnight a cold is becoming no I'll not have a cough; that's fatiguing I'll be quite well. 'You become sickness your La'ship always looks vastly well when you're ill.

So I have no doubt but she will both receive me and protect me too, till my father, finding me out of his power, can be brought to some reason." "Well, but, ma'am," answered Honour, "how doth your la'ship think of making your escape? Where will you get any horses or conveyance?