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And looking up, he could see her standing there, waiting still, smiling serenely, joyously as of yore; and so she would stand till the dream vanished in the reality of the children clustering around his knees, besieging him once more for the story of Old Fort Loudon.

Marmaduke had just brought his narrative to a conclusion, when, after a slight tap at the door, which Warwick did not hear, two fair young forms bounded joyously in, and not seeing the stranger, threw themselves upon Warwick's breast with the caressing familiarity of infancy.

"Oh, thank you, sir!" both exclaimed joyously, Grace adding, "But won't you please tell us, papa, just how much we may spend?" "Any amount which your mamma and Grandma Elsie do not consider too great," he replied in an indulgent tone.

'Keep back that young skrim-shanker Porkiss, sir, and let Revere make him sit up. So Bobby departed joyously to Simla Pahar with a tin box of gorgeous raiment. 'Son of Wick old Wick of Chota-Buldana? Ask him to dinner, dear, said the aged men. 'What a nice boy! said the matrons and the maids. 'First-class place, Simla.

"She eats, the most beautiful!" he cried joyously, "and petite mère and Yellow Dog look on! Is it not wonderful, ma vieille?" Madame Joyselle smiled sensibly. "It is delightful, my man, delightful. But I fear you should not have come in she may not like it." "Not like it? Of course she does. Why should not the old beau-papa visit his most beautiful while she breakfasts? You are a goose, Félicité!"

"It's how one interprets what one does that matters. I make a very good income of what you term my stunt. Perhaps you're accustomed to girls who use such means wrongfully." Joan felt quite proud of her small sting, but Raymond broke in joyously: "You're mighty clever; you've struck on just what I mean. See here, you don't know me and I don't know you " At this Joan turned her face away.

At any rate, the Democrats gave him a small post in the Boston Custom-house, to which an annual salary of $1,200 was attached, and Hawthorne appears at first to have joyously welcomed the gift.

The voice of the childless banker faded off in the distance, its last echo drowned in the full-throated: "Bettina, we are going to be married at once," that broke joyously from Mr. Strumley's lips. "I have followed the example of the Romans, and taken me a wife from the Sabines." Bettina peeped up at him from beneath the dark screens of her lashes.

Her father did not realize that they nearly cost her her life that they dug a grave long and deep, in which her hopes and rosy day-dreams were to be buried. "You have saved me, Bernardine!" he cried, joyously. "Oh, how you must love me poor, old, and helpless as I am!" She answered him with kisses and tears; she could not trust herself to speak.

The offended pair sullenly retired, but the Christmas sun shone none the less brightly from the clear sky, the party of travellers had a gay, spick and span, holiday aspect, and the world into which they now fared stoutly forth, was so wide and beautiful, that Ulrich forgot his grief, and joyously waved his new cap in answer to the Lansquenet's farewell gesture.