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Her Johannes was carrying on; her son-in-law wasn't as he should be, but poked his nose into everything and thought she ought not to spend anything more in her housekeeping.

Johannes laughed. "He breaks stones on the roadside now. He's as hard as ever and will rule the roost. He fights with the peasants as they pass, and swears at them because they drive on his heap of stones."

"What is the matter, Mynheer?" said the captain. "O! I see: it is Johannes," continued the captain, going up to the bear, and saluting him with a kick, as he recovered the supercargo's wig. "Out of the cabin, Johannes! Out, sir!" cried Mynheer Kloots, kicking the breech of the bear till the animal had escaped through the door. "Mynheer Von Stroom, I am very sorry, here is your wig.

Soon after the chasseur brought up a message. Herr Johannes requested that he might have the honour of presenting his homage to her: it was imperative that he should see her. She nodded. Her first glance at Herr Johannes assured her of his being one of the officers whom she had seen on the stage last night, and she prepared to act her part.

When I came in about sunset that Monday evening they had not returned. But before the daylight failed, three of them were back Mrs. Browne, Drayton, and the under-boy. Where were Browne and Johannes? Mrs. Browne seemed to be a little uneasy, but she affected to make light of what had happened. She said that her husband had wanted to see the country beyond, so he had gone on with the boy.

At this moment the servant of the supercargo ran out of the cabin. "Mynheer Kloots, hasten in help my master he will be killed the bear! the bear!" "The bear! what Johannes?" cried Mynheer Kloots. "Why, the animal is as tame as a dog. I will go and see." But before Mynheer Kloots could walk into the cabin, out flew in his shirt the affrighted supercargo.

Lars Peter brought a pail of ice-cold water from the well. "I'll wake you, whether you like it or not!" said he, throwing the pailful of water over his head. Like a cat Johannes sprang to his feet, and drew his knife. He turned round, startled by the rude awakening; caught sight of his brother and rushed at him. Lars Peter felt a stab in his cheek, the blade of the knife struck against his teeth.

"Yes, trust them not; for there is an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his TYGER'S HEART WRAPPED IN A PLAYER'S HIDE, supposes he is as well able to bumbast out a blank verse as the best of you; and being an absolute Johannes Factotum, is in his own conceit the only Shake- scene in a country."

'Well met, captain, he said, quietly, in German. 'Where are you bound to this time? 'Bartels! exclaimed Davies, jumping up. The two stooping figures, young and old, beamed at one another like father and son. 'Where have you come from? Have some coffee. How's the Johannes? Was that you that came in last night?

Johannès is commissioned by Heaven to break up the venomous practises of Satanism and to preach the coming of the glorified Christ and the divine Paraclete. Now the diabolical Curia which holds the Vatican in its clutches has every reason of self-interest for putting out of the way a man whose prayers fetter their conjurements and neutralize their spells."